I arrived at the parking space overlooking Ohtoko-bana in Izumo City shortly before sunrise. No other car was parked. No glimmer was seen in the distance. “The fishing season here is over?” I wondered, but I didn’t care about it very much, because I like going fishing even if it’s the time when people usually don’t go fishing. What I cared about was the height of the waves. The waves at Ohtoko-bana seemed a bit higher today than those when you are able to enjoy fishing safely. So I didn’t go directly to the spot. Instead, I started the run-and-gun style fishing at Umanose, a much safer big rock. Then I cautiously moved to Ohtoko-bana while casting lures for Japanese sea bass wherever I could on the way.
When I got to Ohtoko-bana with no fish, it was almost 8 a.m. I made several casts there, but, as I had expected, the waves were high enough to scare me. I turned back and did the run-and-gun style fishing in reverse order. There were several patches of sarashi (white churning water) between Ohtoko-bana and Umanose, but no Japanese sea bass hit my lures. I had neither fish nor good company today, but I was far from disappointed. Surprisingly I saw my lost Super Strike Zig Zag staying on the submerged rock to the east of Umanose. It was snagged 11 days ago and still there. “Hang in there! Wait until the water gets warmer and I rescue you!” I shouted.
(何も釣れぬまま大床鼻に到着した時には、ほとんど午前8時になっていました。そこでも数投しましたが、予想通り、私を怖がらせるのに十分なほど波は高いのでした。私は引き返すことにし、ラン&ガン方式を逆順にやっていきました。大床鼻と「馬の背」の間には、いくつかのサラシ(かき混ぜられた白い水)ができていましたが、スズキはヒットしませんでした。魚も釣れず、そして釣り仲間にも会えない一日でしたが、私は全くがっかりしませんでした。驚いたことに、「馬の背」の東にある水没した岩の上に、ロストしたスーパーストライク・ジグザグが見えたのです。根がかったのは11日前ですが、まだそこにいるのでした。「がんばれ! 水温が上がったら助けに行ってやるから!」と私は叫びました。)