About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jan 31, 2016

(No. 131) No Fish at Taisha-chiku Harbor and Makura (大社築港と「まくら」にて釣果なし)

Izumo Taisha (Izumo Grand Shrine) in Izumo City is nationally, or probably even internationally, famous as a shrine of matchmaking. After briefly but seriously worshiping it, I drove to Taisha-chiku Harbor, which is just two kilometers to the west of the shrine. I had never been to the harbor, but I thought I might catch Japanese sea bass there. I had seen an enticing photo on the website of a local tackle shop. It showed a fisherman triumphantly holding a few Japanese sea bass caught at the harbor.
There were many lure fishermen at Taisha-chiku Harbor. Most of them seemed casting a metal vibrating blade lure, which is much smaller than my lures. I talked to a few of them and they said it was not good. After casting a few of my lures a few times each, I drove to Makura, a small convenient rocky spot almost next to the harbor. I retrieved my lures under a few patches of nice sarashi (white churning water), but could not catch any fish. Then, I drove to Inasa-no-hama Beach to take a picture of Bentenjima, a huge rock with a small torii (a gateway at the entrance to a shrine) on it. Lastly I returned to Taisha-chiku Harbor and kept casting lures until sunset. As far as I saw, nobody caught fish today.

Jan 28, 2016

(No. 130) No Fish at between Umanose and Ohtoko-bana (「馬の背」と大床鼻の間にて釣果なし)

I arrived at the parking space overlooking Ohtoko-bana in Izumo City shortly before sunrise. No other car was parked. No glimmer was seen in the distance. “The fishing season here is over?” I wondered, but I didn’t care about it very much, because I like going fishing even if it’s the time when people usually don’t go fishing. What I cared about was the height of the waves. The waves at Ohtoko-bana seemed a bit higher today than those when you are able to enjoy fishing safely. So I didn’t go directly to the spot. Instead, I started the run-and-gun style fishing at Umanose, a much safer big rock. Then I cautiously moved to Ohtoko-bana while casting lures for Japanese sea bass wherever I could on the way.
When I got to Ohtoko-bana with no fish, it was almost 8 a.m. I made several casts there, but, as I had expected, the waves were high enough to scare me. I turned back and did the run-and-gun style fishing in reverse order. There were several patches of sarashi (white churning water) between Ohtoko-bana and Umanose, but no Japanese sea bass hit my lures. I had neither fish nor good company today, but I was far from disappointed. Surprisingly I saw my lost Super Strike Zig Zag staying on the submerged rock to the east of Umanose. It was snagged 11 days ago and still there. “Hang in there! Wait until the water gets warmer and I rescue you!” I shouted.
(何も釣れぬまま大床鼻に到着した時には、ほとんど午前8時になっていました。そこでも数投しましたが、予想通り、私を怖がらせるのに十分なほど波は高いのでした。私は引き返すことにし、ラン&ガン方式を逆順にやっていきました。大床鼻と「馬の背」の間には、いくつかのサラシ(かき混ぜられた白い水)ができていましたが、スズキはヒットしませんでした。魚も釣れず、そして釣り仲間にも会えない一日でしたが、私は全くがっかりしませんでした。驚いたことに、「馬の背」の東にある水没した岩の上に、ロストしたスーパーストライク・ジグザグが見えたのです。根がかったのは11日前ですが、まだそこにいるのでした。「がんばれ! 水温が上がったら助けに行ってやるから!」と私は叫びました。)

Jan 27, 2016

(No. 129) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay and Etomo Harbor (倉内湾と恵曇港にて釣果なし)

The harsh cold wave hit the Japanese Archipelago this week, but finally it seemed gone today. I arrived at Kurauchi Bay about 2 hours before sunset. As is often the case with the spot, there weren't other fishermen. The waves were not so high but formed nice sarashi. I cast my lure over it. The lure swam under the white churning water. Nice Japanese sea bass could have hit the lure, but they didn’t. “The water temperature got already too low?” I wondered. I soon gave up the spot and drove to Etomo Harbor.
Birds were hovering over the water around the tip of Sinsinbo, the biggest breakwater of Etomo Harbor. I don’t like casting lures from Sinsinbo. It is so high, 15 feet above the water, and scary that I can’t enjoy fishing very much. I cast a few types of lures toward the birds nervously. No fish attacked them. Baitfish must have been around under the surface. That’s why the birds got excited, but I was not sure if any bigger fish was also chasing the baitfish. I quit fishing at sunset. Red or green lights of luminous floats got more noticeable on the water. They were trying to catch spear squids.

Jan 21, 2016

(No. 128) No Fish at Uppurui Bay (十六島湾にて釣果なし)

I had to drive my father to Izumo Airport before noon today. The weather forecast had said that it might rain this afternoon, but I found at the airport that it was just the overcast without a rain. As I had planned in advance, I drove to Uppurui Bay in Izumo City. It was about 30 minutes’ drive from the airport. I had planned to try some new places mentioned in the “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook.” Aiming for Japanese sea bass, I was at Kozu Harbor first. The water was cloudy and greenish, which I didn’t think was good for fishing.
I stayed at Kozu Harbor for only 15 minutes, and then went to the mouth of Wada River, Karakama-no-hato, the mouth of Karakawa River, and Michi-no-shita. I stayed at each spot for 15 to 20 minutes. Except for Michi-no-shita, the water was all greenish. Lastly I drove to Oh-hato in Uppurui Harbor. There was only one fisherman at the breakwater when I arrived. He was a lure fisherman who was actually leaving the spot. “How is the condition?” I asked. “Stayed here for just 15 minutes. The color of water is funny. Not good,” he said. I started casting my Hopkins No=Eql (4.5 oz) from the tip of the breakwater, and soon it got snagged at the bottom. Unfortunately I couldn’t retrieve it. Hugely disappointed, I turned back. The moment I got in my car, finally it began to rain.
(小津港にはわずか15分だけ留まり、続いて私は、和田川の河口、「韓竃の波止」、唐川川の河口、そして「道の下」といった場所に行きました。それぞれの場所にいたのは、15分から20分ほどです。「道の下」を除き、海水はどこも緑がかっています。最後に、十六島港の大波止へ行きました。私が到着した時、その防波堤には釣り人が一人だけいました。その方はルアー釣り師で、実は、ちょうどお帰りになられるところでした。「どんな感じでしたか?」と私は尋ねました。「15分しか釣ってません。水の色が変です。良くないですね」と彼は言いました。私は防波堤の先端からホプキンス No=Eql(4.5 oz.)を投げ始めましたが、すぐに根がかってしまいました。残念ながら回収できません。大変がっかりしながら、私は引き返しました。車に戻ると同時に、ついに雨が降り始めました。)

Jan 17, 2016

(No. 127) No Fish at Ohtoko-bana and between Ohtoko-bana and Umanose in Miho (美保の大床鼻及び、大床鼻と「馬の背」の間にて釣果なし)

When I arrived at Ohtoko-bana in Izumo City at 7 a.m., there was already a pair of lure fishermen whom I had seen before at the spot. It is nice to see familiar faces. Last year I saw one of the pair hook a powerful fish, but unfortunately his tackle then was too weak for the fish. Today he took out a much stronger rod with a PENN reel. With this tackle, he could have landed almost any fish at Ohtoko-bana. However, as is often said, whenever fishermen are ready for any fish, no fish is caught. The same was true of myself. I tenaciously kept casting lures until I left the spot at 9:30 a.m., but no fish hit my lures. The pair didn’t catch any fish, either.
On my way back to the parking space, I made several casts at some spots between Ohtoko-bana and Umanose, trying to catch Japanese sea bass in the shallow water. Sadly, my Super Strike Zig Zag got snagged on a submerged rock to the east of Umanose. The water was so shallow that I was able to see the lost lure on the rock. If it had been the summertime, I would have swum to retrieve it. Instead, I hoped for the lure to rise up to the surface. I would have cast another lure to pick it up, but the Zig Zag got tangled up in thick seaweed and didn’t move an inch on the rock.
While waiting for the lure to rise up in vain, I put up my rod on the slope of Umanose in an acrobatic way and took a picture of it. Another pair of lure fishermen soon passed by Umanose. They had fished earlier in the morning at Nagasaki-bana, a spot about 400 meters to the west of Ohtoko-bana. I found they didn’t catch any fish, either. One of them told me that a friend of his was a good reader of my blog. Although no fish was caught and my favorite lure was lost today, I was very honored and felt happy.

Jan 16, 2016

(No. 126) No Fish at Koura Public Beach and at Nanbo in Etomo Harbor (古浦海水浴場と恵曇港の南防にて釣果なし)

According to the weather forecast, it would be nice and warm this afternoon, but a cold wave would hit the Sanin Region tomorrow afternoon. I felt as if I were obliged to go fishing this afternoon. Encouraged by a website of a local tackle shop on which a photo of flukes caught around Etomo Harbor was posted, I started fishing at Koura Public Beach around 2 p.m. Casting lures while walking along the shoreline, I did the run-and-gun style fishing.
There was already one lure fisherman. He told me he had caught a fluke last week and that’s why he came back today. Unfortunately something seemed to have changed since then. We didn’t catch any fish today. I moved to Nanbo, one of breakwaters in Etomo Harbor. First I was on a concrete tetrapod at the middle of Nanbo and then moved to the tip of it. I saw a lot of baitfish peacefully swimming around the tip. I waited for big fish to disrupt the peace and start attacking them until sunset, but the fish truce was never broken.

Jan 15, 2016

(No. 125) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて釣果なし)

I have not been able to go fishing for some time, due to bad weather and the fact that I have been recovering from a stubborn cold, but this evening finally I felt I recovered enough to go to Kurauchi Bay, one of the nearest bays from my place. Although my mother believed I was not completely recovered and she tried to dissuade me from going out, I was standing at the spot for one hour before sunset. The strong but not so high waves formed good sarashi (white churning water). It should have been good for Japanese sea bass fishing, but no fish attacked my lures. Anyway I felt great. I remembered that it is so refreshing to cast lures as hard as I can.