Tady 45 has been proven effective in the Japanese marine water too. As I reported before on my previous posts (No. 490, 493, and 500), the metal lure, which I think falls under the category of “surface irons,” has brought some nice fish to me. However, I was not very sure of how to use it. Some people on the Internet said that, when you retrieve Tady 45 slowly, the lure is supposed to kick back and forth under the surface and you have to use one that kicks well. So I assumed that the most appropriate way to use Tady 45 is to retrieve it slowly, but there is a problem. Retrieving it slowly is not very fun. Or I should say it’s not to my taste. And I remember that I might not have retrieved Tady 45 slowly when the lure brought fish to me.
(テイディー45は、日本の海でも効果を発揮することが実証されています。以前の投稿で報告したように(No. 490、493、そして500)、「水面の鉄」(サーフェス・アイアン)というカテゴリーに属すと思われるこのメタルルアーで、いい魚が釣れたのです。しかし私は、このルアーの使い方にあまり確信が持てていませんでした。ネット上で誰かが「テイディー45をゆっくり引くと、水面下でゆらゆら泳ぐはず。しっかりゆらゆら泳ぐやつを使うべきである」と言っていました。それで私は思い込んでしまったのです。テイディー45のいちばん適切な使い方は、ゆっくり引くことだと。しかし、問題がありました。ゆっくり引くのは、あまり楽しくないのです。というか、私の好みではないのです。そして私は思い出しました。テイディー45で魚が釣れたとき、私は必ずしもゆっくりと引いてはいなかったかもしれないことを。)
So this morning I carried out an experimentation. I used the lure in different ways; slow retrieve, fast retrieve, jerk, stop-and-go, etc. My Tady 45 is 23cm long (with a hook included) but feels light for the length. It weighs 80 grams. After the experimentation, I realized that the most enjoyable way for me is to use it as a type of topwater lures. When Tady 45 skips on the surface, it sometimes makes a nice metallic sound, which I think is the sound of the metal rings or the hook hitting the metal body. Surface Tensions and Roberts Rangers, my favorite topwater lures whose bodies are plastic, cannot make the sound.