About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Mar 23, 2025

(No. 1291) Completion of Final Fishing Performances in front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe (宍道湖サンセットカフェ前における最後の釣りパフォーマンス完了)

I completed a series of final fishing performances in front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe. The beautiful evening sun set over Lake Shinji, and then the cafe closed its window for good. Two of friends of mine had come to the lakeshore in order to say hi to me. The first two photos above were taken by one of them. The winds were still strong today, but, encouraged by the appearance of the friends, I was able to keep throwing my favorite lures until the final moment. I am grateful to Shinjiko Sunset Cafe, the Sunset Concierge, who created it, and, of course, Lake Shinji. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your great endeavor.

Mar 22, 2025

(No. 1290) Just One More Day to Complete Final Fishing Performances in front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe (宍道湖サンセットカフェ前における最後の釣りパフォーマンス完了まであともう1日)

I just concluded the fourth of final fishing performances in front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe, which is to go out of business tomorrow. I have been to the lakeshore for four consecutive days. Of course, I have not caught any fish. As I already mentioned, there is actually no chance for me to catch the Japanese sea bass because they have not yet reached Lake Shinji. However, as an attraction for tourists, I have been successful. Some tourists from outside Shimane Prefecture took pictures of me, and a few of them even talked to me. In addition, Hama-chan, one of good friends of mine, came to cheer me up today. So I asked him to take pictures of me throwing lures against the super heavy winds. Tomorrow is the final day, and the weather forecast says it would be a beautiful sunny day.

Mar 21, 2025

(No. 1289) Can I Complete Final Fishing Performances in front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe? (宍道湖サンセットカフェ前における最後の釣りパフォーマンスを私は完了できるのか?)

Regarding Shinjiko Sunset Cafe, which is to close for good on this coming Sunday, I have made two pledges. The two-year-old first pledge is that I will catch a Japanese sea bass on the shore in front of the cafe and give the fish to the Sunset Concierge, who operates the cafe. The recently-made second pledge is that I will keep appearing until the final Sunday on the shore every sunny afternoon (because the cafe doesn’t open when it’s so cloudy that the sunset isn't visible) and doing the fishing performance. For tourists who like to take pictures, I hope I could be a nice silhouette of fisherman against the sunset over the lake. Now I am concerned that I would fail at not only the first pledge but also the second one. It is perfectly understandable that I will fail at the first one because there is few Japanese sea bass in the lake now (The fish are about two-month away from entering into the lake). But, the second pledge? Only three more afternoons remain at most. Why I might fail at going to the shore and doing the performance in three consecutive afternoons? The answer is the wind. The wind is super strong now especially on the shore. It is blowing completely against me. Yesterday afternoon I even felt it difficult to just stand the rod up before initiating the casting movement. In addition, it was very chilly. I hope at least the temperature would be up for today.
(今度の日曜日で閉店してしまう宍道湖サンセットカフェについて、私は2つの誓いを立てたのでした。2年前に立てた1つ目の誓いは、カフェ前の湖岸でスズキを釣って、カフェを運営する夕日コンシェルジュさんに贈呈するというものです。最近立てた2つ目の誓いは、最後の日曜日まで、晴れた日の午後に湖岸に立ち(曇りで夕日が見えないときはカフェは営業しません)、釣りのパフォーマンスを行うことです。写真撮影が好きな観光客のために、湖に沈む夕日を背景にした釣り人の素敵なシルエットになれたらいいと思うのです。しかし今、1つ目の誓いだけでなく2つ目の誓いも守れないのではないかと私は不安です。1つ目の誓いが果たせないのは当然です。湖には今、スズキがほとんどいないのですから(湖にやって来るまであと2カ月ほど)。しかし、2つ目の誓いは? 釣りに行かねばならない午後は、せいぜいあと3回です。なぜ私は、3日連続であの湖岸に行き、釣りパフォーマンスをすることに失敗しかねないのでしょうか? 答えは、風です。特にあの湖岸では今、風が非常に強く、しかも完全に逆風なのです。昨日の午後などは、キャスティング動作を始める前にロッドを立てることさえ困難だと感じられました。その上、非常に寒くもありました。少なくとも今日は、気温が上がってくれることを願っています。)

Mar 19, 2025

(No. 1288) One of Final Fishing Performances in front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe (宍道湖サンセットカフェ前における最後の釣りパフォーマンスの1つ)

It was a bolt out of the blue. The Sunset Concierge, who has conceived and operated Shinjiko Sunset Cafe, told me that the unique lakeside cafe would close for good. The final day of its operation is this coming Sunday, March 23rd. I got very surprised and decided to keep going to the shore in front of the cafe until the final day. I know there is no chance to catch the Japanese sea bass at this time of the year (because there are few in the lake), but I don’t forget the day when I made a pledge to catch the fish someday and give it to the Concierge. The cafe opens during a few hours before and after the sunset only when the weather forecast says you can see the beautiful evening sun. Don’t miss the last opportunity to enjoy the truly unique cafe.

Mar 12, 2025

(No. 1287) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

This morning the sea was very calm. One of the calmest seas I have ever seen. Even when the sea is calm with no waves, you usually see some ripples that can be caused by the weakest winds, but this morning there were few ripples on the surface. In addition, the tide was hugely receded. Taking advantage of the rare opportunity, I took pictures of the narrow channel that you have to jump over in order to reach Saruwatari. Seeing the above pictures, you might feel it’s not difficult to jump over the channel as indicated by the red arrows. But when the tide was high and the sea was not calm, it’s not easy. Be careful when you try Saruwatari someday.

Mar 9, 2025

(No. 1286) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

The sea around Saruwatari was super calm and clear this morning. I felt I could see through all the water to the bottom of the sea, and, as far and deep as my eyes could reach, there was nothing in the water. There were neither baitfish nor predators. Still, I kept throwing my favorite lures until I got too tired. Then, I said goodbye to nori (black tasty seaweed), which was about to vanish from the surface of rocks.

Mar 8, 2025

(No. 1285) Casting Practice at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にてキャスティング練習)

I was planning to go to Saruwatari in Nonami this morning for the yellowtail amberjack (although I knew it was too early for the fish), but my mother suffered a attack of angina pectoris in the early morning, so I had to cancel my plans and take her to her primary practitioner. Fortunately the attack was mild and she was OK. Although I had cancelled my plans, an urge to throw lures toward the vast water lingered in me. So I went to the shore of Lake Shinji to throw lures (although I knew it was too early for the Japanese sea bass). To my surprise, there was a lure fisherman on the shore. I talked to him and found he was just like me. He knew well there was no fish around but, nevertheless, enjoyed throwing lures. He said, “This is also fishing.” I completely agreed with him.

Mar 1, 2025

(No. 1284) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

The weather forecast said that the sea would be calm today, especially in the morning, but I was busy driving my father to one place and my mother to the other in the morning. I couldn’t go fishing until the afternoon. I wished I could have gone fishing earlier, but my parents are more important, of course. So, when I arrived at Saruwatari, it was already around 1 p.m. I threw my favorite lures, but the sea was too quiet. There were neither baitfish nor predators. Fishing-wise, it wasn’t worth staying. But it was worth, weather-wise. It was so much warmer than yesterday that I felt the long winter had been finally over and today was the first day of spring. But the weather forecast also said that it would start raining tonight and the bad weather would linger for several days. I had to make full use of the nice weather today. Under the nice and warm sun I read a book sitting at the tip of Saruwatari and then started writing this piece on my iPhone. 