About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Mar 30, 2023

(No. 1065) Surface Irons at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて水面の鉄たち)

This morning my body asked me to do some exercise. My hectic work schedule had prevented me from doing serious exercise for a while. So I went to Safuki-bana in Nonami this morning although I knew I would have only 30 minutes or so to fish over there. I brought some Tady Lures, most of which are a type of lures called “surface irons.” They might look similar to Japanese jigs, but the application is pretty different. All you have to do with those surface irons is basically to keep slowly retrieving it as soon as it hits the water. They swim and flutter below the surface. I also like their simple coloring. I don’t like lures that look realistic. The more unrealistic a lure gets, the more I love it.

Mar 26, 2023

(No. 1064) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて釣果なし)

My tight work schedule and the bad weather prevented me from going fishing. This afternoon I finally had a short free time, and fortunately the sea was not rough. So I went to Kurauchi Bay, where I found a few fishermen here and there. I was not sure what they were trying to catch. In general I don’t pay much attention to what other fishermen are catching especially when I find any one of them unfriendly as I did this afternoon. I was happy just to throw my favorite American lures with my favorite Newell conventional reel.

Mar 20, 2023

(No. 1063) No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

Some fishing spots are mysterious. When I see it in the distance, it looks completely quiet, like Safuki-bana this morning. It remains so however close I get to it. But, once I pass a certain boundary, like five meters from the fishing spot, the water around it suddenly starts getting lively and even generates waves and a swell. It’s as if the water, which had been sleeping for a long time, suddenly noticed me and began to welcome me (or warn me). Have you ever felt that way? Is it just me? Anyway, that’s how I feel about Safuki-bana these days.
(不思議な釣り場があります。今朝のサフキ鼻のように、遠くから見ていると、完全に静かなのです。どれだけ近づいていっても、完全に静かなままです。しかし、ある境界を過ぎると、例えば釣り場から5メートルの地点を過ぎると、釣り場周辺の海は突然にぎやかになり、波やうねりさえ発生するのです。まるで、ずっと眠っていた海が、急に私に気づいて、私を歓迎し始めた(あるいは警告し始めた)かのようです。皆さんは、そんなふうに感じたことはないですか? 私だけ? ともかく、最近のサフキ鼻で、私はそんなふうに感じるのです。)

Mar 19, 2023

(No. 1062) Lots of Tiny Baitfish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて大量の極小ベイトフィッシュ)

This morning the sea around Safuki-bana was as calm as the last time. The height of tide was also as receded as the last time. Nothing seemed to have changed except for one thing. Lots of baitfish were around Safuki-bana. It was easy to notice them. My big lures frightened them so much that they almost jumped out of the water, running away from the mysterious American invadors. Those baitfish were so tiny. I waited for some predatory fish to chase them, but the baitfish might have been too tiny even for the predators.

Mar 15, 2023

(No. 1061) Reading My Favorite at My favorite Fishing Spot (お気に入りの釣り場でお気に入りを読む)

The sea around Safuki-bana was as calm this morning as it could be. I saw neither baitfish nor predatory fish. It seemed too peaceful to catch fish. So I put my fishing tackle down on the rocky shore and started reading one of my favorite writers. Kenzaburo Oe was infamous for his unreadable writing style. You cannot read his books easily. So his books are not very popular. People like readable books. So writers try to make their books as readable as possible. Kenzaburo Oe intentionally did the opposite. He tried to prevent his writing from achieving readability. Do you know why? He wanted to make his writing something unfamiliar, and he believed such unfamiliarity would slow you down, puzzle you, change your perception, and ultimately reorganize something inside you. There might not be a better place to read such a book than Safuki-bana.
(今朝のサフキ鼻周辺の海は、この上なく、穏やかでした。ベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)の姿も捕食魚の姿もありません。釣りをするには静穏すぎるようでした。そこで私は釣具を磯に置いて、お気に入りの作家の本を読み始めました。大江健三郎は、読みにくい文体で悪名高い作家です。彼の本をすらすら読むことはできません。そのため彼の本はあまり人気がありません。人々は読みやすい本が好きなのです。だから作家はなるべく読みやすい本を書こうとします。大江健三郎は、意識的にその逆を行いました。彼は、自分の文体が読みやすいものになることを防ごうとしたのです。なぜだか分かりますか? 彼は、自分の文体を、馴染みのない何かにしたかったのです。そして彼は信じていました。そうした馴染みのなさが、あなたの速度を落とし、あなたを困惑させ、あなたの認識を変え、最終的には、あなたの中の何かを再編成してしまうことを。こうした本を読むのに、サフキ鼻くらいふさわしい場所はないのかもしれません。)

Mar 12, 2023

(No. 1060) Thorny Weeds, Japanese Camellia, and Timid Snake at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて、棘のある雑草、椿の花、そして臆病な蛇)

It has gotten substantially warm since my last post. This morning I carried not only my fishing tackle but also a small pair of shears when I walked down on the path in the woods toward Safuki-bana. I cut young thorny weeds which would be even dangerous unless someone cut them before they were fully grown. Beautiful petals of Japanese camellia were on the ground as if they had fallen from trees just before I saw them. One big snake got startled by my shears and gracefully fled into the bush. A sign of spring were everywhere. Only in the sea did I find lingering frigid winter.

Mar 6, 2023

(No. 1059) No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

Unlike yesterday, there was no wind in Nonami. The sea was very calm. In addition, the height of the tide was very low. However, standing at Safuki-bana, I wondered whether I should advance beyond it. There is a small but almost impassable fissure on the east of Safuki-bana. Only when the sea was very calm can I manage to pass the fissure to advance farther. This morning it should have been easier than usual because not only the sea was calm but also the tide was low. But somehow I felt suspicious. The conditions were apparently perfect, but some usually submerged rocks were completely exposed due to the low tide and looked slippery. I felt a vicious atmosphere. I said to myself, “This might be a sea version of a honey trap.” So I decided to stay at Safuki-bana. Nothing vicious happened there. Nothing exciting happened, either.

Mar 5, 2023

(No. 1058) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami but Wonderful Present (野波の猿渡にて釣果なしも素敵なプレゼント)

I intended to go to Safuki-bana in Nonami this morning, so I was driving past the parking space for Saruwatari but found T-san’s car parked there. So I made a U-turn to join him at Saruwatari. T-san is one of my fishing buddies, whom I sometimes meet in Nonami. A very strong chilly crosswind kept blowing at Saruwatari. It was very nice to see him again and enjoy a nice chat with him, but we didn’t enjoy throwing lures very much. Neither he nor I caught any fish. T-san left Saruwatari one hour earlier than I did. When I returned to my car, I found a brown bag left on the windshield of my car. There were two wonderful American lures inside it. Thank you, T-san! See you again!
(今朝は野波のサフキ鼻に行くつもりだったので、猿渡の駐車スペースは通り過ぎかけていたのですが、そこにTさんの車が止まっているのに気づきました。私はUターンし、猿渡でTさんに合流しました。Tさんは、野波で時々出会う釣り友達の一人です。猿渡では強い横風が吹き続けていました。Tさんとの再会とおしゃべりはとても楽しかったものの、ルアーを投げることはあまり楽しめませんでした。Tさんにも私にも魚は釣れませんでした。Tさんは私より1時間早く猿渡を離れました。私が車に戻ると、フロントガラスに茶色の袋が残されていました。その中には、素晴らしいアメリカン・ルアーが2つ入っていたのです。Tさん、ありがとうございました! またお会いましょう!)