About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Aug 29, 2017

(No. 303) Hong Kong Grouper at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にてキジハタ)

It was about 6 a.m. today. I was casting my favorite lures from Maruiwa in Owashi when I received a text from my father. It said that North Korea seemed to fire a missile. I gently laid my fishing rod on the ground and took out my camera (i.e. iPhone 4S). I got ready to shoot any flying object coming into view. North Korea had previously announced that the missile would fly over Shimane, Hiroshima and Kochi Prefectures, and my hometown Matsue is in Shimane. However, all that I saw was a blue sky only with impeccably white clouds. Then, the second text arrived. It said the missile seemed to fly over Japan. I did not see anything suspicious in the sky (Later I found that the missile did not fly in the direction of Shimane but of Hokkaido, the northern part of Japan). I resumed fishing and soon caught a bottom feeder with the Acme Kastmaster. I realized that I caught a Hong Kong grouper with an American lure in the Sea of Japan under a North Korean missile. How international!
(今朝の6時頃でした。大芦の丸岩からお気に入りのルアーを投げていた時、父からメッセージが届いたのです。どうやら北朝鮮がミサイルを発射したとのこと。私は釣り竿をそっと地面に置くと、カメラ(つまりiPhone 4S)を取り出しました。視界に入ってくる飛行物体を撮影するつもりだったのです。北朝鮮は先日、ミサイルは島根、広島、高知三県の上空を通過するだろうと宣言しており、私の故郷である松江市は島根県に位置するのでした。しかし、私の目に見えたのは、申し分なく白い雲が浮かぶだけの、青空でした。2通目のメッセージが届きました。ミサイルはどうやら日本上空を通過し終えたようです。空には何も怪しいものは見えませんでした(後で判明したのですが、ミサイルは島根県には飛んでこず、日本の北部、北海道の方角に飛んでいったのです)。釣りを再開すると間もなく、アクメ・キャストマスターを使って、根魚が釣れました。そして私は、気づいたのです。北朝鮮のミサイルが飛ぶ空の下、アメリカのルアーを日本海で使い、英語名は「香港ハタ」となるキジハタが釣れたのだ、ということに。なんて国際色豊かなのでしょう!)

Aug 26, 2017

(No. 302) Young Greater Amberjack at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にてアカビラ)

It was about 6 a.m. when I started casting my lures from empty Maruiwa in Owashi. Nothing happened until Mr. F came to the spot about 7 a.m. He is a regular at the spot. I had seen him a few times at Maruiwa since I first tried the spot last fall. After having a chat with him, I started casting one of my Sea Striker Got-Cha plugs. I had attached a prism tape to the lure on the previous night, and the tape might have been effective. One young greater amberjack was hooked by the lure. I remembered that Got-Cha plugs are often too effective to spare young fish, which I don’t like to catch very much.

Aug 24, 2017

(No. 301) No Fish at Nitaki in Tayu (手結のニタキにて釣果なし)

Yesterday I tried Takanishi in Tayu. As was shown in the previous post, there was no catch unfortunately. This morning I tried Nitaki, the neighboring fishing spot on the east of Takanishi. Just like yesterday, there weren't other fishermen around. The waves were as high as when I had left Takanishi yesterday. The tip of Nitaki was continuously washed by the waves, which means it was not very safe. In addition to it, the crosswind was blowing harder than yesterday. I started fishing about 5:30 a.m. and finished it just one hour and a half later. If I had stayed longer I might have caught fish, but the condition of the sea seemed getting worse. Instead of keeping fishing, I took a picture of all of the lures I carried today. I don’t like to carry many lures. I usually use at most 5 or 6 lures. When I returned to Tayu Harbor, I was not very disappointed probably because I found a few local familiar fellows on the street. I yelled at them, “No fish again today! I quit!” One of them replied to me with a grin, “Glad that you quit today. It is getting rougher.”
(私は昨日、手結の高西で釣りました。しかし、前回の投稿でお伝えした通り、あいにく釣果はありませんでした。今朝は、高西の東にある隣の釣り場、ニタキを試してみました。昨日と同様、他の釣り人の姿はありません。波の高さは、昨日、高西を離れた時と同じくらいでした。ニタキの先端は、絶え間なく波をかぶっています。つまり、非常に安全、と言える状況ではありません。加えて、横風が昨日よりも強く吹いています。私は午前5時30分頃から釣り始めましたが、わずか1時間30分後には釣りを終えました。粘れば魚が釣れたかもしれないのですが、海の状況が悪化していくように見えたのです。代わりに、今日持ってきたルアーたちを全員集合させて、写真を撮ってみました。私はルアーをたくさん持ち出すのを好みません。多くても5つか6つなのです。手結港に戻った時の私は、ひどく失望していたわけではありませんでした。それはおそらく、路上に、顔なじみの地元の皆さんがいらっしゃったからでしょう。私は彼らに叫びました。「今日もなんだい釣れませんわ! もうやめましたけん!」 するとそのうちの一人が、にやりと笑って言われるのでした。「やめて良かったが。これから荒れえけん」)

Aug 23, 2017

(No. 300) No Fish at Takanishi and around the harbor in Tayu (手結の高西と港の周囲にて釣果なし)

When I started casting my favorite plugs about 5:30 a.m., the waves occasionally became high enough for the tip of Takanishi to get wet. Takanishi is one of fishing spots in Tayu. When I go to Takanishi or Nitaki, another fishing spot in the area, the sea is usually much calmer. To my eyes, the chance of catching fish this morning seemed bigger, but two hours passed in vain without any thrilling action from fish. I realized that the winds became much stronger and the dangerous waves continuously washed the tip of the spot. I returned to Tayu Harbor to enjoy swimming in it. Then I tried some spots around the harbor, but nothing happened. Although the waves were so high that I got completely soaked, I felt good because I wore only my swimming trunks and life jacket, and my PENN Torque 5 spinning reel is fully sealed.

Aug 19, 2017

(No. 299) No Fish at Setokaze-bana in Mitsu and Ichinose in Koizu (三津の瀨戸風鼻と小伊津の一の瀬にて釣果なし)

This morning I woke up at 4 a.m. to drive to Izumo City. I arrived at Setokaze-bana in Mitsu just before daybreak and started casting my favorite topwater lures about 5:30 a.m. As far as I could remember, I had not caught any fish at the spot, but the slightly choppy sea made me feel I would catch something big at last today. Then, I also remembered that whenever I start fishing I feel I will catch something big regardless of condition of the sea. Nothing happened at Setokaze-bana. I gave up the spot and instead tried Ichinose in Koizu, another spot several minutes away from Setokaze-bana by car.
There were several bait fishermen at Ichinose, and they did not seem very lucky today. I stood at the west end of the spot to cast big American lures. Remembering I had caught a striped bonito at the spot about two years ago, I felt again I would catch something big, but nothing happened. I returned to Setokaze-bana and made several casts. I finally started feeling I would not catch any fish today. No striped bonito attacked my lures today, but a small pretty striped fish fearlessly and joyfully swam with me.

Aug 15, 2017

(No. 298) No Fish at Susumi Bay and Owashi Harbor (須々海湾と大芦港にて釣果なし)

I arrived at the parking space overlooking Susumi Bay in Owashi about 4:30 p.m. The waves were not as high as I had hoped. I had thought I might catch Japanese sea bass, but the sea was not rough enough to create patches of nice sarashi (white churning water). I got discouraged, but anyway I started the run-and-gun style fishing toward Susumi-hana. No baitfish was sighted, and nothing exciting happened. I walked back and drove to Ogu-no-hato in Owashi Harbor.
From the empty breakwater I hooked something strange. It was a long pink rope, and it was with a short black bar attached to one end of it. It was a rope for water skiing. I could not leave it at the breakwater because it could be a nuisance in the sea. So I decided to take it home and dispose of it. When I came back to my car with the pink rope, one car arrived at the parking space. The driver got off the car and looked hard at the sea. To my surprise, he had looked for the pink rope. Knowing that I caught the rope, he became happy and very grateful to me. I didn’t catch any fish today, but I felt happy too.

Aug 6, 2017

(No. 297) Hong Kong Grouper at Nagasaki-bana in Mitsu (御津の長崎鼻にてキジハタ)

When I arrived at Nagasaki-bana in Mitsu about 5:45 a.m., spiders’ threads stuck to my body and fishing tackle. The narrow path in the woods from a parking space to the fishing spot was filled with cobwebs this morning. I wondered whether high temperature for the last several days has boosted spiders’ activities. When I started casting my lures, the sea was not choppy but a strong south wind was blowing. A school of baitfish was swimming along the shore, but no big fish seemed to be following it. First, I used my American pencil popper and darter plugs, but there was no response.
Next, I let the Acme Kastmaster XL sink to the bottom carefully. At the second or the third attempt, I felt a faint bite. I jerked my rod to hook the fish. As I expected, it was a Hong Kong grouper. Soon afterwards, the wind waned, and a small fishing boat came closer to me. I took off my cap and made a polite bow to the local fisherman on it. I asked, “Have you caught a lot of turban shells lately?” He replied, “Nah. The sea has been too calm for a long time.” I did not know that whether the sea is calm or not could affect the catch of turban shells.

Aug 5, 2017

(No. 296) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

Saruwatari in Nonami is the spot where I had caught the first yellowtail amberjack since I came back to Japan (If you are interested, see No. 217). Unfortunately the fish was also the last one I had caught. This morning I was standing at Saruwatari with slightly bigger anticipation than when I went to other spots. I had caught not only the yellowtail amberjack but also other fish such as a Japanese Spanish mackerel at the spot. However, the sea was too quiet and calm today. In the water, plenty of the pearl-spot chromis were swimming peacefully.