About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Dec 31, 2016

(No. 238) No Fish at Niregi-no-hato in Owashi Harbor (大芦港の楡木の波止にて釣果なし)

I arrived at the parking space overlooking Susumi Bay in Owashi area around 6 a.m. and I soon abandoned my original plan of walking down to Maruiwa or Susumi-hana to try to catch amberjacks or Japanese sea bass. Indeed the waves were a bit too high, but I might have walked down to the spots if I had not experienced the event that had happened at Etomo Harbor three days ago. There seemed lingering after-effects of the tragedy in me, and I decided to fish at a safer spot. I drove to Niregi-no-hato, a breakwater in Owashi Harbor. When I arrived at the spot before dawn, there was one fisherman around. Actually it was not a fisherman but a fisherwoman. It is rare to see a lady at a fishing spot before dawn.
I cast my favorite American lures from a variety of places on the breakwater, but no fish hit my lures. I talked to the fisherwoman and she friendlily showed me her catch, delicious fish called Mutsu. On the other hand, there seemed to be no fish that might attack my big plugs. So I drove around in the area to look for more productive spots. Unfortunately, all the potential spots were already taken. I came back to Niregi-no-hato, and a pair of lure fishermen soon came to the spot. They were friendly, too. I showed them my American lures and offered a chance to use them. One of the pair started using my Super Strike Zig Zag. He said he had started lure fishing just recently. So I gave the lure to him as a kind of souvenir. Today I had a nice chat with a fisherwoman and I gave one of my favorites to a good beginner. What a nice way to close the last fishing in 2016!

Dec 28, 2016

(No. 237) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay and Etomo Harbor (倉内湾と恵曇港にて釣果なし)

Due to my busy work schedule toward the end of the year and a stubborn cold that I had caught 6 days ago, I could not go fishing for some time, but today I felt I really needed a break and finally my persistent cough was almost gone. So I drove to Kurauchi Bay this afternoon with eager anticipation that the rough water might give me a big Japanese sea bass. I arrived at the bay about 4:30 p.m. Indeed, the sea was rough, but it was too rough for me. I felt almost scared that I gave it up soon after making only several casts. I drove to Etomo Harbor. The sea was so rough that I thought I might catch a nice Japanese sea bass inside the harbor just as I had done about 20 days ago. 
However, the water inside the harbor was much calmer than I had expected although it was very muddy. There was no fisherman around the ice plant. As soon as I started fishing, one cat approached me and stayed by my side while waiting for its share. I said to the lonely cat, “Hey cat, I am sorry. I am almost sure that I cannot give you anything.” While casting my lures, I walked to the tip of Edabo, a breakwater in the harbor. I stayed there for about 15 minutes and came back to the original place. At sunset I was casting my lures in front of the ice plant. Today I did not catch any fish, and I cannot write here what happened to me after sunset in detail. I helped some police work. “Safety first. Let’s not forget it.” That is all I want to tell you now. I will never do fishing at the tip of Sinsinbo, the biggest breakwater in Etomo Harbor.

Dec 19, 2016

(No. 236) No Fish at Etomo Harbor, Kurauchi Bay, and Mitsu Harbor (恵曇港、倉内湾、御津港にて釣果なし)

I want to catch the big Japanese sea bass that I hooked but eventually missed last time at the tip of Sinsinbo, the biggest breakwater in Etomo Harbor. Since my last post I have been to the harbor a few times, but no fish has hit my big American plugs. I have seen some lure fishermen catch young Japanese Spanish mackerels. They used small metal jigs, which somehow I am not in the mood for using. This early morning I went up to Sinsinbo after I tried in vain in front of the ice plant and around Edabo, another smaller breakwater. There was a group of three lure fishermen, two of which were each standing on a very narrow flat space of one of gigantic tetrapods. A very strong wind was blowing. Just watching them made me tremble with fear. After I encouraged the brave fishermen in my own way, I drove to Kurauchi Bay. The water in the bay was very calm, which was not very good for Japanese sea bass fishing, but anyway I made several casts. No fish hit my lures as I expected. Then, I drove to Mitsu Harbor. In the unseasonable warm weather, I felt there was no way I could catch the fish, and unfortunately I was right.

Dec 17, 2016

(No. 235) Missed Japanese Sea Bass at Sinsinbo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の新々防にてスズキを逃がす)

My busy work schedule and the nasty weather had not allowed me to go fishing for a week, but this afternoon finally I became free. The weather was still a bit nasty. It was gusty although there was no rain. The waves were high. Which means, it was good for Japanese sea bass fishing. As I did last time, I drove first to Kurauchi Bay. When I was preparing my tackle at a parking space overlooking the bay, another lure fisherman arrived at the space. He was a friendly fisherman, and we enjoyed a nice chat. Then I made several casts at the bay, but no fish hit my lures. So I drove to Etomo Harbor. I usually do not fish from the tip of Sinsinbo, the biggest breakwater in the harbor, but today somehow I felt like trying the tricky spot. Sinsinbo is very high, 15 feet above the water. It is almost scary for me. Just before sunset, when my Northbar Bottledarter came back to under my feet, I saw a big Japanese sea bass snatched the lure. It was hooked, but the fish, which was just under my feet, shook its head and the hook easily came out. What a tricky place to fish!

Dec 9, 2016

(No. 234) Japanese Sea Bass in front of Ice Plant of Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の製氷所前にてスズキ)

This late afternoon I drove to Kurauchi Bay. I was with my heaviest tackle, a 13-foot fiberglass rod (Okuma Tundra) and a PENN Torque 9 spinning reel with two handles. The weatherman had said that the height of the waves would remain 3 meters. I knew I had a greater chance to catch a Japanese sea bass at such rough water. I also knew that I would need a very strong tackle because I would have to lift a fish directly from the sea at the bay, instead of dragging it to the shore with a help of the waves. When I arrived at the bay, I found there were nice patches of sarashi (white churning water) along the shore, but the crosswind was too strong to cast my lures comfortably. I soon gave up the spot and drove to Etomo Harbor.
Usually there are many fishermen at Etomo Harbor, but this evening there was just one bait fisherman as far as I could see. “Be careful. Don’t fall, ” he said to me, obviously referring to the strong wind. “Thank you. I thought I might catch the Japanese sea bass,” I said. “Yeah,” he said. “In this kind of weather, you may.” First I fished around Edabo, one of the breakwaters in the harbor, but the wind was too strong there. I soon had to turn back. When I came back to my car, the bait fisherman was already gone. I put my tackle against my car, old Mitsubishi Colt, and took a picture of it in order to show you how big my tackle was. Being alone at the spot in front of the ice plant, I kept casting my lures. Just after the sunset a Japanese sea bass hit my Super Strike Zig Zag. Because I was using very heavy tackle, I got the wrong impression that the fish was very small. Actually it was a Japanese sea bass of 65 cm (26 in.) long.

Dec 4, 2016

(No. 233) No Fish at Saruwatarijima, Wada, Umanose, and between Them in Owashi (大芦の猿渡島、ワダ、馬の背、そしてそれらの間の釣り場にて釣果なし)

Fishing spots in Mitsu, Owashi, and Nonami areas seemed a bit too crowded this morning. It was way before dawn, but the parking spaces/lots for famous fishing spots in those areas were already packed when I arrived at each of them. I decided to explore the rocky shore around Saruwatarijima, which I had not visited before. I had a hunch that there were few fishermen around it, and I was right. There was nobody. I cast my lures from Saruwatarijima, Wada, Umanose, and other unnamed spots between them. I enjoyed a lot, but what were missing were not only other fishermen but also fish. There was no sign of baitfish, hence big fish that attack them. My “No Fish” streak continues very unfortunately but fairly.

Dec 3, 2016

(No. 232) No Fish at Edabo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の枝防にて釣果なし)

As I mentioned in today’s earlier post, I went to Etomo Harbor this afternoon. I fished at Edabo, one of breakwaters in the harbor, for about an hour before sunset. Yesterday I was at the same spot at the same time. The sea was much calmer today, and probably that’s why today’s boils were much smaller and less energetic. Three lure fishermen soon came to Edabo, and they successfully caught some young Japanese Spanish mackerels with jigs that were smaller than mine. Those fish were not so big, and one of them spat very small baitfish. I found that somehow I had lost my interest in catching them. Instead of using a jig as they did, I dared to use big plugs. I don’t know why. Maybe I am a bit perverse.

(No. 231) No Fish at Sakitaka-hana in Sanami (佐波の先高鼻にて釣果なし)

This morning I drove first to Saruwatari in Nonami. It was about 5:45 a.m., way before dawn, but there was already a car in the nearby parking lot. I made a U-turn, and drove to Sanami Harbor. I anticipated that there were several cars at the harbor too, but surprisingly I found no car in the parking space. Following the path in the woods, I reached vacant Sakitaka-hana. With eager anticipation, I started casting my favorite lures. I was alone for a while, but about 7 a.m. several bait fishermen started arriving at the spot one by one. We shared the spot peacefully. I was the only lure fisherman and no fish seemed interested in my American lures. Until I left the spot, I saw the bait fishermen catch one striped beakfish and several largescale blackfish. I did not stay long. I left the spot at 9 a.m. I was thinking about Etomo Harbor. Although I had not posted it on this blog, I was at Etomo Harbor yesterday evening and saw some boils. They might have been young Japanese Spanish mackerels. I will chase them this evening.