About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Mar 31, 2016

(No. 147) No Fish at between Ohbira and Ji-no-kujira in Ketakake Peninsula (桁掛半島の「大びら」と「地の鯨」の間にて釣果なし)

The scenery at the Ketakake Peninsula in Izumo City is fascinating. Although it is not easy to get there and only six days had passed since my first visit, I went to the peninsula again this afternoon. The same as the last time, it took me 30 minutes to walk to Ohbira. Unlike a week ago, the sea was too calm to create sarashi (white churning water). I started casting my lures toward the small island called Hirashima. While casting lures, I slowly walked to Ji-no-kujira, a spot where you can catch Hira-suzuki, a rare type of Japanese sea bass. However, the sea was too calm today. From time to time fishing boats slowly passed in front of me. The same as the last time, I was completely alone in the otherworldly peninsula. If it had not been for those boats, I might have screamed what I normally cannot say openly, such as a confession of guilt or love.

Mar 29, 2016

Hurry up! Listen to NPR’s The Austin 100! (急げ! NPRの「The Austin 100」を聴かなきゃ!)

This is not a fishing-related post and may be deleted on April 1. I had been to some music festivals when I was in the U.S., but I got no chance to be a part of the SXSW (South by Southwest) Music Festival although a good friend of mine lives in Austin, Texas. National Public Radio (NPR), to which I have listened to keep my English listening ability, annually compiles “The Austin 100.” The staff of NPR listens to “thousands of artists from around the world” that will appear on the stage of each year’s SXSW and carefully selects best 100 songs. You can play these songs automatically on its website. You can even download all of the songs for free until March 31. If you want to download the songs not individually but as a big zip file (852MB), go to this another site and click “Click to download The Austin 100: 100 MP3s in a single zip file.” Thank you NPR for creating a great opportunity to listen to new artists!
(これは釣りには関係ない投稿であり、4月1日には削除してしまうかもしれません。アメリカにいた時、いくつかの音楽祭に行ったのですが、テキサス州オースチンには仲の良い友達が住んでいたにも関わらず、SXSW(サウス・バイ・サウスウェスト)音楽祭に参加する機会はなかったのでした。英語の聴き取り能力を維持するため聴いているナショナル・パブリック・ラジオ(NPR)が毎年「The Austin 100」というのを編んでいます。NPRのスタッフが、その年のSXSWに出演する「世界中からやって来た何千ものアーティストたち」を聴き、最高の100曲を丁寧に選んだものです。そのウェブサイトへ行けば、自動的に曲を再生してくれます。その上、3月31日までならば、全曲を無料でダウンロードできます。一曲ずつのダウンロードが面倒なら、一つの大きなZIPファイル(852MB)としてのダウンロードも可能です。関連する別サイトへ行き「Click to download The Austin 100: 100 MP3s in a single zip file.」という文章をクリックしてください。新しいアーティストを聴く機会を作ってくれて、NPRさん、どうもありがとう!)

Mar 26, 2016

(No. 146) Teasing Boil at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて意地悪なナブラ)

I was alone at Saruwatari in Nonami this morning. Last time when I was there, it was at the beginning of February and I caught a nice Japanese Spanish mackerel. Today the sea was calmer, and the current was not moving as much as it had been. Dead seaweeds and trash such as plastic bags were afloat. It was not very good for fishing. I started casting my lures about 6:45, and nothing happened until 8:30. When I almost gave up fishing, a boil came up in the distance.
Some bigger fish might have been chasing smaller baitfish up to the surface, making the surface looked as if it were boiling. I got very excited, but it was too far, way beyond my casting distance. So I decided to use my psychokinesis to pull up the boil. The boil came up a few times but stayed at the same distance. Although my supernatural power did not affect it at all, I was glad to know that finally the spring came around. The winding road leading to Saruwatari, which is 5 km in length with about 700 cherry trees, is called “Cherry Road.” After giving up fishing, I took a photo of a cherry tree that just blossomed. Yes, finally the spring came around.

Mar 24, 2016

(No. 145) No Fish in Ketakake Peninsula (桁掛半島にて釣果なし)

In his comments in my previous posts No. 142 and 143, Mr. “xnastyxpunkx” mentioned the Ketakake Peninsula in Izumo City. According to the “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook,” getting to the peninsula is exhausting but often rewarding. The useful guidebook says that you have to climb up a total of four slopes and it takes 50 to 60 minutes from the nearest parking space to Ohbira, apparently the most prestigious spot in the peninsula. Indeed, it was tough, but I needed just 30 minutes this afternoon. Indeed, it was rewarding, although I didn’t catch any fish. The scenery was really magnificent. I even saw a beautiful deer.
(以前の投稿、No. 142143へのコメントで「xnastyxpunkx」さんが出雲市の桁掛半島に言及していらっしゃいます。『山陰の釣り場総覧』によると、この半島に到達するだけでもクタクタになるそうですが、しばしば、その甲斐はあるようです。最寄りの駐車スペースから「大びら」という、どうやら半島でいちばん名高い釣り場へ到達するには、計4つの坂道を登る必要があり、50分から60分かかると、この有益なガイドブックには書いてあります。確かにキツかったのですが、今日の午後、私は30分で到達してしまいました。そして確かにその甲斐はありました。魚は釣れませんでしたが、風景が実に雄大だったのです。美しい鹿を見ることもできました。)
Completely alone in the peninsula, I walked around and tried almost all of the spots mentioned in the guidebook. There were some nice patches of sarashi (white churning water), but no fish hit my lures. On my way back, I got lost in the woods a few times. I needed almost 60 minutes to get back to the parking space. Two local residents were talking nearby. I said to them, “What a beautiful place!” One of them replied, “Yeah, but the pine trees used to be lush. Now all of them are dead because of pine sawyers.” He sounded proud and also a bit sad.
(半島に完全に一人ぼっちの私は、歩き回り、ガイドブックが言及しているほとんど全ての釣り場を試しました。いくつかのサラシ(かき混ぜられた白い水)ができていましたが、魚はヒットしませんでした。帰り道、私は森の中で数回、道に迷ってしまいました。なので駐車スペースに戻るのに、ほとんど60分かかりました。地元の方がお二人、近くで話しておられます。私は話しかけました。「綺麗なところですね!」 すると、お一人がこう言われました。「そげですか。前は松が生えちょうましたが。マツクイムシのせいでもう全部、枯れてしまって」。彼の声音は誇り高く、そして同時に、少し悲し気でした。)

Mar 22, 2016

(No. 144) No Fish at Ohtoko-bana in Miho (美保の大床鼻にて釣果なし)

The sound of waves was almost silent when I arrived at the parking space overlooking Ohtoko-bana in Izumo City about 6 a.m. I was alone at the spot. The sea was very calm, probably too calm for fishing. First I used topwater plugs such as Line Stretcher’s Surface Tension. The lures left trails of lingering bubbles on the surface, which indicated that the water was stagnant. The current was not moving, and it was never good for fishing. A short while later the wind started blowing, and the surface of the water got slightly choppy. The lingering bubbles finally disappeared, but there was no sign of fish. I kept casting my lures tenaciously until 9 a.m. when a bait fisherman came to the spot. Is the water still too cold for fish to chase lures, isn’t it?” Knowing that I got no luck, he consoled me.
(午前6時頃、出雲市の大床鼻を見下ろす駐車スペースに到着すると、聞こえてきたのは、ほとんど無音と言ってよい波の音でした。私はそこに一人ぼっちでした。海はとても穏やかで、おそらく、魚釣りには穏やか過ぎるのでした。まず私は、ライン・ストレッチャーのサーフェス・テンションのようなトップウォーター・プラグを投げました。ルアーが通った後の水面には泡が残り、なかなか消えません。これは、水が淀んでいる印です。潮は動いておらず、魚釣りには良くありません。しばらくすると風が吹き出し、水面がわずかに波立ってきました。水面の泡はついに消えましたが、魚の気配はありません。それでも私は午前9時まで執念深くルアーを投げ続けました。一人のエサ釣り師がやって来られました。「まだ水が冷たて、ルアーを追ってこんでしょ?」 私に魚が釣れなかったことを知り、彼は慰めてくれたのでした。)