About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Apr 28, 2024

(No. 1189) “Aomono ga sabaaakane?” - Izumo Dialect Lecture (「青物がさばあかね?」- 出雲弁講座)

When I was climbing down the rocky slope toward the tip of Maruiwa in Owashi, a small fishing boat was approaching. There was one old professional fisherman on it. The boat and I reached the tip at the same time. He was a fisherman trying to find the turban shells, using a special equipment that looks like a downward telescope. I asked him, “Good catch? The water is super clear.” With a slight smile on his face, he just shook his head. Then he quickly decided it was not worthwhile to stay there and turned the boat around toward the vast ocean. Before leaving, he said, “Aomono ga sabaaakane?” It was an expression of Izumo dialect, which I am able to speak too. What he meant was “Do amberjacks touch your lures?” These days I am a bit concerned that younger anglers are not very good at communicating with professional fishermen like him. Some anglers are from outside the Sanin Region that includes Shimane Prefecture. Obviously they don’t speak the dialect. Other are born and bred in the Sanin, but they might be too young or modernized to be surrounded with older people who speak the dialect. I want to promote communication between amateurs and professionals, and I am wondering if the dialect is one of obstacles to it.
(大芦の丸岩の先端に向かって岩場を下りていると、小型漁船が近づいてきました。老漁師が一人、乗っています。漁船と私は、同時に先端に到達しました。彼は、下向きの望遠鏡のような、特殊な器具を使ってサザエを探している漁師でした。私は彼に尋ねました。「サザエはとれますか? 水がすごく透明ですね」。わずかな笑みを顔に浮かべて、彼はただ首を振りました。そして彼は、そこで粘る価値はないとすぐに判断し、漁船を反転させて沖に向けました。離れていく前に彼は、こう言いました。「青物がさばあかね?」。それは、私も話すことのできる出雲弁でした。彼が言いたかったのは「青物は(ルアーに)触わるかね?」ということです。私はこのごろ、少し心配しているのです。若い釣り人たちは、彼のような漁師とのコミュニケーションが苦手なのではないかと。島根を含む山陰地方の外から、やって来る釣り人もいます。明らかに彼らは方言を話せません。一方で、山陰で生まれ育った釣り人もいますが、若すぎるか、あるいは現代化されすぎていて、方言を話す年配の人たちに囲まれる機会などなかった可能性があります。私は、アマチュアとプロの間のコミュニケーションを促進したいと思っているのですが、方言がその障害の一つなのだろうか、と思うのです。)

Apr 27, 2024

(No. 1188) New Reel Challenge and No Fish at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (新しいリール・チャレンジ、そして野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところにて釣果なし)

The seaside woods, which I have to walk through in order to reach Safuki-bana or Saruwatari in Nonami, became noticeably greener than the last time. I get amazed with the vigor of plants every Spring. The sea was very calm, and there were two kayaks floating in front of Safuki-bana. As far as I could see, neither fishermen on the kayaks caught any fish. Basically the sea was too calm. Instead of trying to catch fish, I was trying to improve my skill in using the Avet MXJ6/4 reel, which I had recently obtained at one of secondhand tackle shops. It is a lever drag conventional reel. Unlike some older conventional reels such as the PENN Jigmaster or Newell, the spool of Avet reels has no flange. Which means, I have to put my thumb directly on the line in order to control the spin of the spool. If the spool spins too fast, the friction gets my thumb easily burned (My Avet has no magnet brake). Some fishermen wear a glove or something in order not to get burned, but I like to feel the line directly with my thumb (So I cut off the tips of thumbs of my gloves). What I was practicing today was not giving too much spin to the spool while maintaining the casting distance.

Apr 20, 2024

(No. 1187) Interesting Communication between Saruwatari and Naka-bana although No Fish at Naka-bana in Nonami (野波の中鼻にて釣果はなかったものの猿渡との間で興味深いコミュニケーション)

Saruwatari had been already taken, so I chose Naka-bana instead. When I was walking in the woods toward Naka-bana, someone grabbed me by my shoulder. It was such a strong grab. I might have gotten angry if it had happened in a busy night street filled with hooligans and drunks. Obviously there was no one in the woods except me. The culprit was one of huge thorns. It ripped my shirt. Using a pair of shears, I cut the thick and strong stem that had a lot of such thorns.
The sea was calm around Naka-bana and Saruwatari, but a small boil soon appeared on the surface. It was within the reach of the lure fisherman standing at Saruwatari, but he looked indifferent to the boil. It felt strange. So I pointed at the boil, trying to make him aware of it. On noticing my gesture, he shouted something to me. He seemed to mean the boil was not good because the fish that caused it were flathead grey mullets. I didn’t hear very well. All that I was sure was that he is a kind fisherman. Shortly afterward I saw him leaving Saruwatari, so I decided to quit my fishing too because I wanted to catch up with him at the parking space and ask him what he had said. On my way back, however, the army of thorns attacked me again. I had to take care of them, and it took so much time. When I got back to the parking space, all that I could do was to just glance his car leaving. What a bummer.

Apr 14, 2024

(No. 1186) No Fish at Nagasaki-bana in Mitsu (御津の長崎鼻にて釣果なし)

I have one translation job whose deadline is tomorrow. As of this morning the job was far from completed. I had to look into it many more times to find any hidden errors and correct them. I shouldn’t have gone fishing today, but the weather was so fine with no waves forecasted that I couldn’t help going to the sea. Of course I didn’t go to Safuki-bana, which might have exhausted me too much. Instead I chose Nagasaki-bana, another fishing spot slightly farther than Senjojiki in Mitsu. Unlike Safuki-bana yesterday, there were baitfish around Nagasaki-bana although they were very tiny. I kept throwing my lures, which were obviously much bigger than those baitfish, and nothing happened. When I was about to leave the fishing spot, I realized there was a bait fisherman just behind me, quietly watching me throwing lures. He seemed intrigued with my fishing style. We exchanged greetings. He said he used to go to Safuki-bana when he was younger. Explaining that I had created a less taxing new path leading to Safuki-bana a few years ago, I suggested him to come back to my favorite fishing spot. He remained reluctant, saying his knees were not healthy enough for climbing up and down the path in the woods, but I somehow feel I would see him again at Safuki-bana. 

Apr 13, 2024

(No. 1185) Maintaining Track and No Fish at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (小道の整備と、野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところにて釣果なし)

The condition of the sea this morning was the same as the day before yesterday. It remained very quiet and calm, and I didn’t see any creatures including baitfish except when occasionally I saw some uninterested birds flying above the sea. On my way to and way back from the smaller rock next to Safuki-bana, I cut some weeds along the track in the woods. The weeds are not rampant yet, so I realized it would be easier and safer for me to find the potentially dangerous thorny ones. They could be less annoying this summer than usual.

Apr 11, 2024

(No. 1184) No Fish at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところにて釣果なし)

There was a pair of old ladies sitting on one of benches at the parking space for Safuki-bana when I arrived there shortly before noon. There were still some people enjoying cherry-blossom viewing along Cherry Road in Nonami although the blossoms had already started falling. We exchanged greetings and I explained to them that I was a fisherman. One of the ladies said to me, “I used to climb down the path in the woods when I was younger.” I replied, “You are still very young. Please join me!” Then we laughed together. The sea around Safuki-bana was very calm, and there were neither baitfish nor other any creatures. When I returned to the parking space about one hour later, there was another pair of old ladies. One of them asked me, “A bear?” She must have heard my bear bell. “No. no,” I said, “I was just fishing. I wore the bell just in case.” Then we laughed together.
(正午少し前にサフキ鼻の駐車場に到着してみると、おばさま二人組みが、ベンチに座ってらっしゃるのでした。野波のチェリーロード沿いの桜は、既に散り始めているものの、まだ花見を楽しむ人たちがいらっしゃるのです。私たちは挨拶を交わし、私は自分が釣り人であることを説明しました。すると、おばさまの一人が「私も若い頃は、よく降りていきましたわ」とおっしゃいました。私はこう答えました。「まだお若いじゃないですか。一緒に行きましょうよ!」。そして私たちは一緒に笑いました。サフキ鼻周辺の海はとても穏やかで、ベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)も、そのほかのどんな生き物の姿もありませんでした。1時間ほどして駐車場に戻ってみると、別のおばさま二人組みの姿がありました。そのうちのお一人が私に「熊?」とお尋ねになりました。彼女は、私の熊よけ鈴の音を耳にされたのに違いありません。私は「いえいえ」と答えました。「ただ釣りをしちょっただけです。熊の鈴は念のためですよ。」 そして私たちは一緒に笑いました。)

Apr 6, 2024

(No. 1183) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

Cherry trees along Cherry Road in Nonami were in full bloom this morning. The gorgeous view elevated my anticipations. When I reached Saruwatari, surrounded with the very calm low-tide sea, I found a slightly darker and choppier small patch on the surface. My anticipations got more elevated. Under such a patch there must be a school of baitfish. The patch kept moving with changing degrees of splashing. The problem was that it was always out of my reach. 