About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jan 31, 2024

(No. 1163) Tiny Bite at Senjojiki in Mitsu (御津の千畳敷にて小さなバイト)

I might have twisted my ankle during the heavy snow shoveling I did the other day. Although I don’t feel anything at all in my everyday life, I feel a small pain around my right ankle when I pull on my boots with the Korkers Rocktrax (a cleated overshoes) attached. So I chose Senjojiki in Mitsu, one of the most easy-to-go rocky shores, for this morning’s fishing. I didn’t expect any fish to respond to my big lures because January and February are normally the slowest months for the type of fishing I do (Please don't ask if I have ever had any month that was not slow). So I got surprised when a fish hit my Tady 45. The fish might have been as big as the lure itself or even smaller, but I remember that even a tiniest response from any fish could feel a blessing.

Jan 30, 2024

(No. 1162) New Favorite Combination at Kurauchi Bay (新しいお気に入りの組み合わせを倉内湾にて)

LATEST REPORT: On this post I said that the surface of the 8 strand braided line is so smooth that it couldn’t cut my thumb, but regrettably I have to say now it’s not the case. When I did casting practice for about 2 hours the other day, I found the line had carved a groove on my thumb. The skin was about to split. I go back to a nylon monofilament line.
After some experiments I ended up using a nylon monofilament line when I throw lures with a conventional reel, such as Newells or the PENN Jigmaster. Those reels don’t have the level wind feature. So I have to level the line with my finger, but a braided line (i.e., PE line) tended to cut my thumb. A braided line is composed of multiple fibers (e.g., 4 strands or 8 strands). As a results, the surface of the braided line is not smooth. It’s rugged. It’s like a micro saw. On the other hand, the surface of a nylon monofilament line is very smooth, which means it doesn’t cut my thumb. That’s why I ended up using a nylon monofilament line. However I recently realized the surface of a 8 strand braided line is much smoother than that of a 4 strand one. So this afternoon I tried the new combination of a 8 strand braided line (#8) and a Newell G235-F reel. The result was wonderful. The surface of line was so smooth that it didn’t carve a groove on my thumb. I felt I found a new favorite combination.

Jan 28, 2024

(No. 1161) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて釣果なし)

Standing on one of big rocks along the shore of Kurauchi Bay, I started throwing my favorite lures toward the moderately choppy sea. By around 3 p.m. this afternoon, the rain had already stopped. There were a few patches of sarashi (white churning water) along the shore, so theoretically I had a better chance to catch a Japanese sea bass than when the sea was calm. My past experience suggested me that, if the fish were around thanks to the sarashi, I would caught one of them rather quickly, probably at the first or the second cast. But nothing happened even after I threw my lures more than 10 times. I started feeling I should quit, then a fisherman who had climbed down the rock behind me talked to me. I had a nice chat with him, explaining what I do with this blog. Even if you are alone at a fishing spot, fishing is more than worthwhile. A chance encounter with a friendly fisherman makes it even more special.

Jan 25, 2024

(No. 1160) Second Day of Snow Shoveling Got Me Confident of My Mental Toughness for “Non-fishing” (2日目の雪かきをして「無魚釣り」をする精神的タフさがあることを確信)


The snow kept falling on and off. By dawn it had significantly accumulated at parking lots in and around my neighborhood. It was obvious that the snowfall would create troubles for people trying to drive out of or into the parking lots. I went out with a big yellow shovel as soon as I completed some translation job early in the morning. As I had anticipated, cars were stuck at their parking lots. Some cars got on the top of accumulated snow, and their wheels lost traction and were just slipping. I was happy to help them, but when I was helping the fourth or fifth driver, the fatigue started catching up with me.
Whenever I thought I had finally helped the last one of them, there was always another car with another driver at another parking lot. I couldn't see the goal, but I didn’t give up. I just kept doing it. You have to keep going to your favorite fishing spots with 100% happiness even if you have not caught any fish for a very long time. That’s what the so-called “non-fisherman” should do. In other words, you can't see a goal in "non-fishing" either. The first day of snow shoveling gave me physical confidence. The second day of it got me confident of my mental toughness. I felt I got ready for enjoying my “non-fishing" this year too.

Jan 24, 2024

(No. 1159) Snow Shoveling Got Me Confident of My Fitness for Serious Fishing (雪かきをして、本格的な釣りができる体調であることを確信)

It snowed on and off today. As soon as I finished my translation job this morning, I went out with a big yellow shovel. As I had done almost a year ago, I started walking around in and around my neighborhood. Whenever I found a lady who was shoveling the snow away by herself in front of her house or her car, I asked her. “Do you need a hand?” About half of the ladies that I talked to today gave me a wary look first. I thought they should. So I said to them, “Don’t worry. I am from around here. I am just a snow-shoveling volunteer. I like it because it makes me fit.” Then I started shoveling the snow along with her. Normally I help only ladies. I don't help guys, except when they are the elderly. To guys who are shoveling the snow, I just say, “Otsukaresama-desu.” I don’t know how to translate this “Otsukaresama-desu” to English. I helped some ladies today. When I realized I couldn’t find any more ladies that I could help, about 2 hours had passed since I started it. Refreshingly tired, I got confident that I am fit enough to do any serious fishing at any serious rocky shore.
(今日は雪が降ったり止んだりしました。今朝、通訳の仕事を終えると、私はすぐに、大きな黄色いシャベルを持って外に出ました。ほぼ1年前と同じように、近所を歩き回りました。住まいの前や車の前で雪かきをしている女性を見つけるたびに、私は声をかけました。「てごがいりますか?」。今日、私が話しかけた女性たちの約半数は、まず私に警戒の目を向けました。彼女たちは当然そうすべきだと私は思いました。私はこう言いました。「ご心配なく。このへんの者です。ただの雪かきボランティアです。トレーニング代わりなんです」。そして、女性と一緒に雪かきを始めるのです。私は普通、女性しか手伝いません。お年寄りを除けば、男性を手伝うことはありません。雪かきをしている男性には、ただ「おつかれさまです 」と言うだけです。そして私は、この「おつかれさまです」を、どう英訳したらいいのかわかりません。私は今日、何人かの女性のお手伝いをしました。気がつくと、私が手伝えそうな女性はもう見当たりませんでした。2時間ほど経過していました。爽やかな気分で疲れていた私は、どんな本格的な磯ででも本格的な釣りができる体力があると確信できました。)

Jan 20, 2024

(No. 1158) No Fish at Nanbo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の南防にて釣果なし)

In the aftermath of Noto earthquake I lost my interest in fishing, but now I feel I am getting out of the numbness caused by the disaster. So I tried resuming fishing. Because the waves were too high for me to stand at one of rocky shores, I went to Etomo Harbor. There was one lure fisherman at the tip of Nanbo, one of breakwaters in the harbor. He was waiting for the Japanese sea bass to attack his lures. He got interested in my tackle, so I happily explained to him about this blog and my American gears. We had a very nice chat. Neither he nor I received any response from fish this morning, but just chatting with him cheered me up considerably. Thank you.

Jan 4, 2024

(No. 1157) New Year Announcement Only (新年のお知らせのみ)

At that time I was at one of two footbath spots around Matsue-Shinjiko-Onsen Station. I had just released my annual New Year’s rap. So I was happily relaxing with my feet in the footbath. The ominous siren started ringing. I thought it might be about a radiation leak from the Shimane Nuclear Power Plant. As soon as the siren started, I got a phone call. It was from my mother, who thought I had gone to the shore of the Sea of Japan for fishing. The siren was a warning about the tsunami coming to the shore. An earthquake had struck the Noto Peninsula of Ishikawa Prefecture. The scale of devastation is getting clearer, and now I am not in the mood for fishing. So this post is just to say that I hope you all keep safe and well. If you need a brief distraction from the press coverage of the earthquake, you may want to try my New Year’s rap. I hope at least you can enjoy the beautiful views of Lake Shinji.