About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Oct 27, 2017

(No. 322) Have Been Skunked at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にてボウズ続き)

All baitfish seemed to vanish from the shore of the Shimane Peninsula or they were just avoiding me. Recently I did not see any one of them wherever I went. I tried Maruiwa in Owashi yesterday and today. I had to leave the spot as early as 8 and 7:30 a.m. respectively because I had undertaken a translation job with a tight deadline. So I am not sure if baitfish were absent all day or it was a temporary thing happening only in the morning. Anyway they were absent early in the morning, the time when yellowtail amberjacks are supposed to be active. The sea has remained disappointedly quiet.

Oct 25, 2017

(No. 321) No Fish at Aonori in Inome (猪目の青のりにて釣果なし)

I took safety precautions yesterday. It would be the first time I had fished at Aonori in Inome. So I drove to the area in Izumo City during daylight hours and saw how to get to the shore. I got stunned at how steep the rocky slope leading to the spot is. If I had not made a preliminary inspection yesterday I might have fell from the slope in the darkness this early morning. There was already one bait fisherman when I climbed down to the spot before dawn. We started fishing as soon as the day broke. Unfortunately we did not catch any yellowtail amberjack before I left the spot about 9 a.m. I told him that I did not see any baitfish, and he told me that all he caught were some of the pearl-spot chromis. Fishing itself was not very good today, but trying a new spot and having a nice chat with a friendly fisherman is always refreshing.

Oct 20, 2017

(No. 320) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

In English they say, “A woman's mind and winter wind change often.” If you would like to say the same in Japanese, you can say, “Onna-gokoro to aki-no-sora.” The literal translation of this Japanese expression is “A woman’s heart and the autumn sky.” Isn’t it kind of interesting? The winter wind in the U.S. (or U.K.) seems as changeable as the autumn sky in Japan. Anyway, the sky above Maruiwa in Owashi was truly changeable this morning. It rained on and off. It got windy on and off. Even a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. Everything seemed changeable except one thing. There was no baitfish all along. As is often the case, no predatory fish attacked my lures.
(英語では「女性の心と冬の風はよく変わる」と言うそうです。同じことを日本語で言いたい時は「女心と秋の空」と言うことができます。なんだか面白くないですか? 米国(あるいは英国)の冬の風の変わりやすさは、日本の秋の空の変わりやすさと、どうやら同じようです。ともかく、今朝、大芦の丸岩の上に広がる空は、実にコロコロと変わりました。雨が降ってきたかと思えば上がり、風が吹いたかと思えばやんだのです。綺麗な虹までが空にかかりました。すべてのものがコロコロ変わっていくように思えましたが、一つだけ変わらないことがありました。ベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)だけは、最初からずっと姿を見せないのです。そういう時にありがちなように、肉食魚が私のルアーを襲うこともありませんでした。)

Oct 14, 2017

(No. 319) One Splashy Strike at Rock Closest to Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡近くの岩にて水しぶきのあがるストライク)

This morning I could not jump over the narrow channel to get to Saruwatari in Nonami. The weather forecast had not said anything about a swell, but the violent swell raged on around Saruwatari when I reached the shore about 6 a.m. I gave up getting to Saruwatari and started casting lures from the nameless rock closest to it. I did my best, but I was not sure whether my lures flew to the most productive area in the sea. As a result, nothing exciting happened this morning except when I cast my Lemire’s Plugworks Senior Pencil Popper, one of my biggest pencil poppers. When I retrieved it the way American surf fishermen do, the lure drew one splashy strike. Unfortunately the fish missed the lure, but sometimes just one response from fish gives me a great satisfaction.

Oct 7, 2017

(No. 318) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

Luckily for me, I caught a nice yellowtail amberjack last time. As I have previously mentioned, my motto is not so much “Catch and Release” as “Catch and Eat but Never Catch Too Many.” Before starting fishing this morning, I felt I had already caught enough number of yellowtail amberjacks. So I embarked on an experimental fishing. I took out two large spinners for pike/muskie fishing, both of which I had bought in Stockholm last year.
When I arrived at Saruwatari in Nonami about 6 a.m., the sea was too calm and quiet. I retrieved those two spinners in various ways, but nothing happened. In addition to them, I used a topwater plug that had an excellent track record, but no fish seemed very active today. My experiment to test spinners for pike/muskie in the Japanese marine water might be continued. Before I left the spot, I saw a school of tiny bright-blue-colored fish again. To take underwater pictures of them, I swam a little bit. The water was still warm enough.

Oct 5, 2017

(No. 317) Yellowtail Amberjack at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてヒラマサ)

As I had declared in my last post, I had planned to use a handmade 100% fiberglass rod this morning, but the weather forecast said there would be the strong crosswind from the east. Because I was not sure whether I could get sufficient casting distance with the fiberglass rod under such conditions, I changed the plan and took out a graphite rod (11’ Lamiglas Insane Surf). It seemed to be the right decision. When I reached Saruwatari in Nonami about 6 a.m., the wind was much stronger than I had expected. Meanwhile, unlike the last time, there was no intimidating swell. So it was easier to jump over the narrow channel to reach the spot, even if the waves were higher. 
I wanted to catch the yellowtail amberjack on a lure with which I had not caught any fish in Japan. So I took out Line Stretcher’s Surface Tension. Although some Japanese fishermen may mistake it for a jig, it is actually a topwater plug. I did not have much confidence in the lure, but at the first cast a strong fish hit it! Pulling the line out of my reel forcefully, the fish dived to the bottom. It was most likely a yellowtail amberjack, but several seconds later the barbless hook of the lure came out (Nevertheless, I won’t use barbed hooks simply because I don’t like them). Next, I tried the Swimming Darter by Washed Ashore Fishing Lures. It was one of my recent purchases and I had not used any lure of this brand before. Naturally I did not have much confidence in it too, but the lure brought me a very powerful yellowtail amberjack of 80 cm (31 in.) long. Wow!

Oct 1, 2017

(No. 316) Yellowtail Amberjack on Swedish Lure at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてスウェーデン製ルアーによりヒラマサ)

There were almost no waves but a strong swell around Saruwatari in Nonami about 5:30 a.m. The last obstacle to the fishing spot is the narrow channel of about 50 cm width. You have to jump over it to land on Saruwatari. When the waves are low, it is usually easy. But this morning the intimidating swell made it tricky. I got very patient, and when the safest timing finally came, I dared to jump! I managed to reach the vacant spot and started casting my favorite plugs. About 30 minutes later I started to see a school of micro baitfish jumping from the sea when I retrieved the plugs. They seemed to mistake my plug for a predatory fish that chased them.
(午前5時30分頃、野波の猿渡周辺には、波はほとんどなかったものの、強いうねりが見られました。その釣り場へ行くための最後の障壁は、幅約50センチの狭い水道です。その水道を飛び越えて、猿渡に上陸するのです。波が低い時、飛び越えるのはだいたい容易です。しかし今朝は、恐ろしいうねりのせいで厄介でした。私は、いちばん安全なタイミングが来るまでじっと我慢してから、思い切って飛びました! そうやって何とか無人の釣り場に到達して、お気に入りのプラグを投げ始めたのです。約30分後、プラグを引いていると、極小ベイトフィッシュの群れが水面から飛び出すようになりました。彼らは、私が引くルアーを、自分たちを食べに来た肉食魚だと勘違いしているようです。)
I had taken out five plugs for this morning, and one of them was not American but Swedish. As some of my readers might already know, I made a few exceptions to the rule that I have to use only American saltwater lures. One of such exceptions is the use of some Swedish lures that I bought at Stockholm last year (Please see No. 169). After I saw the micro baitfish, I took out a Holme Baits Sloppy Tail, one of such Swedish lures. At the first cast of it, a powerful fish hit the lure! It pulled hard, but I managed to land a yellowtail amberjack of 67 cm (26 in.) long. Of course I screamed, “The Swedish lure rules!”
(今朝の釣りのために、私は5つのプラグを持ち込んでいました。そのうちの一つは、アメリカではなくスウェーデンのルアーでした。本ブログの読者の中にはご存知の方もいらっしゃると思いますが、「アメリカのソルト用ルアーしか使ってはいけない」というルールに、私はいくつか例外を設けています。そうした例外の一つが、昨年、ストックホルムで購入したスウェーデンのルアーなのです(No. 169を参照)。極小ベイトフィッシュの姿を認めた私は、そうしたスウェーデン製ルアーの一つ、ホルメ・ベイツ・スロッピー・テイルを取り出しました。その第一投に、力強い魚がヒットしたのです! 魚は強く引きましたが、私はなんとか釣り上げることができました。それは67センチのヒラマサでした。もちろん私は「スウェーデンのルアー最高!」と叫びました。)
After taking care of the delicious fish, I cast the Swedish lure again but it did not draw a strike any more. So I took out a Super Strike Little Neck Popper, one of American plugs. At the first cast, another powerful fish hit the lure! I felt it was much bigger, and I got afraid that my barbless hooks would come out like the other day. So I might have tried to hook the fish too forcefully. I jerked my rod hard and the fish pulled so hard simultaneously that my rod snapped and the hook came out. Of course I screamed, “The American lure also rules! My bad!” My favorite rod (Daiko’s Artesano Lejos) broke, but my heart didn’t. I will carry a handmade 100% fiberglass rod next time. It should be unbreakable.
(美味なその魚の処理を終えると、私はスウェーデン製ルアーをまた投げましたが、もう魚はヒットしません。そこで今度は、アメリカ製のプラグの一つ、スーパーストライク・リトルネックポッパーを取り出しました。その第一投に、またもや力強い魚がヒットしたのです! 先ほどのよりも、ずっと大型のように感じられました。そして私は、バーブ(返し)をつぶしてある針が、先日のように抜けてしまうのではないかと恐れたのです。ですから、もしかすると、合わせに力を入れ過ぎたのかもしれません。私が強く竿を引くのと同時に魚も強く引き、その瞬間、竿がパキッと折れ、針が外れてしまいました。もちろん私は「アメリカのルアーも最高! 悪いのは俺だ!」と叫びました。お気に入りの竿(ダイコーのアルテサーノ・レッホス)は折れてしまいましたが、私の心は折れていません。次回は、手作りの100%グラスファイバー・ロッドを持ち込もうと思います。これなら折られないはずです。)