About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

May 27, 2017

(No. 279) Big Japanese Sea Bass at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて大きなスズキ)

At last I did it! I finally caught a Japanese sea bass with the Guppy Lure’s 2 oz. Mini. I have declared my love for American pencil poppers several times in this blog. I love how American surf fishermen use them. Their method is completely different from Japanese fishermen’s, and I may be one and only practitioner of the method in Japan (If you are unfamiliar with the method, see my previous post No. 268). I own several American pencil poppers and I love all of them, but I feel a special attachment for Guppy Lure’s plugs. Two years ago I found a defect in one of them. I noticed that the weight inside my 2 oz. Mini was loose. I contacted the maker, and they immediately dealt with the matter and sent a replacement all the way to Japan. I was impressed with their professionalism and pride, and I had since wanted to catch a Japanese sea bass with one of their lures. This evening I finally did it. It was a fat beautiful fish of 75 cm (30 in.) long. I finally carried out my promise.
(ついにやりました! グッピールアーの2オンス・ミニを使って、ついにスズキを釣ったのです。私はこれまでにも数回、このブログにおいて、アメリカのペンシル・ポッパーに対する愛を宣言してきました。私は、アメリカの岸釣り師たちのペンシル・ポッパーの使い方が大好きなのです。彼らの使い方は、日本の釣り師の使い方とは全く異なるのですが、彼らの使い方を日本で実践しているのは、もしかすると私だけなのかもしれません(もしその使い方に馴染みがなければ、以前の投稿No. 268を御覧ください)。私はアメリカのペンシル・ポッパーをいくつか所有しており、その全てが大好きなのですが、グッピールアーのプラグにはとりわけ愛着を感じています。2年前、私は、それらのプラグの一つに欠陥があることに気づいたのです。2オンス・ミニの内部にあるオモリが固定されていなかったのでした。製作者に連絡すると、彼らはすぐに問題に対処し、代用品をわざわざ日本まで送ってくれたのです。私は彼らの職人気質とプライドに感銘を受け、以来、彼らのルアーを使ってどうしてもスズキを釣りたいと考えてきました。今夕、私はついにそれを成し遂げました。75センチの、よく太った美しいスズキです。私はやっと、約束を果たしたのです。)

May 25, 2017

(No. 278) Huge Japanese Sea Bass at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて巨大なスズキ)

I started casting one of my American pencil poppers from the northern shore of Lake Shinji about 5:45 p.m. There were several fishing boats in the distance, all of which were for big Japanese sea bass. The lake was very calm and the water surface was almost flat. Shortly after I enjoyed a comfortable chat with one of regulars, the wind started blowing from the west and the lake became a bit choppy. My American pencil popper had failed to entice the fish into strike on the flat surface. So I took out the Jetty Swimmer made by Couch’s Cedar Works (CCW). I had a hunch that I should use a different kind of lure under the different lake condition. I guessed right. At the first cast of the lure, I caught a huge Japanese sea bass of 89 cm (35 in.) long. The long-awaited so-called “Konoshiro-pattern” has finally begun along the shore.

May 23, 2017

(No. 277) Casting Practice and First Swimming in 2017 at Koura Public Beach (古浦海水浴場にてキャスティング練習と2017年最初の水泳)

These days I go to the northern shore of Lake Shinji or the shore along Shirakata Park in order to catch a big Japanese sea bass. Every lure fisherman on the shore seems to wait for the so-called “Konoshiro-pattern” to begin. It means a period when Japanese sea bass at the lake aggressively chase konosirus punctatus, a relatively bigger baitfish. So far it has not yet started along the shore. I got a bit bored with casting lures toward the lake. So this morning I drove to Koura Public Beach, considering whether the water temperature became high enough for me to swim in the sea. It felt a bit cold when I entered into the water, but as soon as I started swimming the coldness vanishes. The summer is just around the corner.

May 17, 2017

(No. 276) Needlefish at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にてダツ)

This afternoon I started the run-and-gun style fishing at the northern shore of Lake Shinji, but no fish hit my lures along the shore. So I went across Shinjiko Ohashi Bridge in order to fish from Shirakata Park. A bystander talked to me when I was using a Guppy Lure’s 2 oz. Mini. We started a nice conversation, and I soon found that he was an avid fisherman. He said that he was a carpenter that recently came to Matsue for his job and he usually fished for largemouth bass in fresh water. After I gave him detailed information about fishing in the lake, I resumed the run-and-gun style fishing. Slightly before sunset, a needlefish hit the lure. It was the first fish that I caught with the pencil popper. In one of the above photos I stepped on the fish. Please don’t get me wrong. The fact that I stepped on the fish does not mean I disrespected it. I had to step on the fish lightly in order to prevent it from falling into a gap between rocks.

May 11, 2017

(No. 275) Scorpion Fish at Nanbo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の南防にてカサゴ)

Yesterday morning I took one of my newly acquainted friends to Etomo Harbor. He had talked to me when I had been fishing at the northern shore of Lake Shinji, as I mentioned in one of my earlier posts (No. 271). He can get access to the lake but doesn’t have a car to get to the shore facing the Sea of Japan. So I offered a ride. Unlike mine, his tackle was tiny. At the second or the third cast of a small Japanese plastic worm, he caught a small scorpion fish. Then, he hooked a much bigger one, but the fish instantly dived into the rocks and the hook came out. The winds soon became so strong that we drove to Tayu Harbor to avoid the winds from the west. I did not catch any fish with bigger American lures and he caught only one fish, but he seemed to enjoy fishing in the sea.

May 10, 2017

(No. 274) This is a Japanese Lure (これは日本のルアーです)

This blog is dedicated to American saltwater lures. As its title shows, the primary objective of it is to examine how American saltwater lures can catch Japanese fish, and I am supposed to use only American lures. However, I made an exception about one year ago. On a business trip to Dorotea in Sweden, I bought some lures for pike/muskie fishing. I have since allowed myself to use these Swedish lures. Now I am going to make another exception. As I mentioned in my last post, I acted as a tour guide for some people during the ‘Golden Week’ holidays. I took them to several beaches along the Sea of Japan.
When we were in Susumi Bay, to which the current carried a lot of garbage such as bottles and cans from the Korean Peninsula, I found one Japanese lure tangled up in an abandoned fishing net. I felt I should rescue the lure, but I did not have a knife to cut it off the net. A French guest took out a cigarette lighter that he had found earlier in the pile of garbage. We successfully burned away the net with the still usable lighter. Now the lure, Maria’s Loaded F180, holds some sentimental value in me. I peeled off the original paint and repainted it, and decided to use it only for the purpose of making a comparison between American and Japanese lures.

May 9, 2017

(No. 273) No Fish at Owashi Harbor (大芦港にて釣果なし)

The ‘Golden Week’ holidays finally passed. No translation job had been assigned to me, but I was pretty busy during the holidays. I met some interesting people that had recently come to, or just arrived at, Matsue City, and I acted as a tour guide for them. Through those guidance activities, I found that a new concrete bridge to Ogu-no-hato in Owashi Harbor had been constructed next to the old, seemingly fragile, tiny bridge. The small sign was attached to the old one, which said that you should keep off because this bridge got so old that it might collapse. I had respected the sign and therefore not been to the breakwater. Yesterday evening I used the new bridge for the first time. There was one lure fisherman at the tip of Ogu-no-hato. After enjoying a friendly and informative chat with him, I moved to other spots in the harbor including Niregi-no-hato. No fish was caught, but the mere fact that I now gained access to the new fishing spot was satisfactory for me.

May 3, 2017

(No. 272) No Fish but Many Tourists at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて釣果なしも多くの観光客)

Chiefly using a Guppy Lure’s 2 oz. Mini, one of my favorite pencil poppers, I spent hours today at the shore along Shirakata Park in order to catch a nice Japanese sea bass in Lake Shinji. The conspicuous nature of the method of using an American pencil popper attracted many tourists including little kids. Japan is in the middle of ‘Golden Week’ holidays. They mistook the lure splashing across on the water as a fish that I caught. “Wow. That guy caught a fish!” One little boy screamed and run up to me joyfully. I pulled the lure out of the water and showed it to him. “Sorry. This is not a real fish but a bait called lure.” The boy could not understand it immediately and said in bewilderment, “Where is the fish?” I am not sure whether I had wished I had caught a fish as strongly as I did then. 

May 1, 2017

(No. 271) Huge Ray at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて巨大なエイ)

As usual, I started the run-and-gun style fishing at the northern shore of Lake Shinji by Shinjiko Ohashi Bridge this afternoon. While casting and retrieving my favorite lures, I walked toward the bridge. Before reaching it, I had a friendly chat with a bystander who was an avid fisherman that had recently moved to Matsue City. It became clear that he had arrived at Matsue in time for the best fishing season on the lake and would leave the city just after the season might end. I provided some tips to him. Then, I went across the bridge.
On the way to the other end of the bridge, I saw a lure fisherman under it catching a nice Japanese sea bass with a smaller plug. My expectations soared into the sky, but no fish attacked my big plugs at the southern shore very soon. When retrieving a Holme Baits Sloppy Tail very slowly, I felt the lure stuck very firmly at something in the lake. I could not move the lure even an inch. I got sad because I thought I would eventually lose the precious Swedish plug that I had bought in Stockholm, but when I sharply pulled the line a few times the lure started moving slowly and powerfully. It must be a huge sea bass! That’s what I thought at first, but I also felt something strange. The fish pulled too hard to be a sea bass. I soon found it a huge ray.
(向こう岸にたどり着く前に、橋の下にいる釣り人が、小さめのプラグで良い型のスズキを釣るのを目撃しました。私の期待は天にも届かんばかりに高まりましたが、宍道湖南岸の魚は、私が投げる大きなプラグをすぐには襲わないのでした。ホルメ・ベイツ・スロッピー・テイルを非常にゆっくりと引いている時、水中の何かにルアーががっちりと引っかかってしまったように感じました。ルアーを動かそうとしても微動だにしません。ストックホルムで購入した貴重なスウェーデン製ルアーを失うことになるのかと思うと悲しくなりましたが、ラインを鋭く2、3回引いてみると、ゆっくりと力強くルアーが動き出したのでした。スズキの超大物に違いない! 私はまずそう思ったのですが、同時に、何だか変だとも感じていました。スズキがこんなに強く引くはずがないのです。まもなくその魚は、巨大なエイであることが判明しました。)