About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jan 29, 2017

(No. 246) No Fish at Various Spots in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港のいろいろな場所にて釣果なし)

Busy work schedule and the heaviest snowfall in several years had not allowed me to go fishing for some time, but this weekend finally I made it. I started fishing at Edabo in Etomo Harbor slightly after 7 a.m. today. There were already a few fishermen at the breakwater. All of them were lure fishermen who seemed for young Japanese Spanish mackerels. They were using relatively small lures. I cast my smallest metal jigs too, but I was also for the Japanese sea bass. So I also used bigger darter plugs such as the Super Strike Zig Zag or Northbar Montauk Darter. The latter was put on the U.S. market just last summer, and this was the first time I had used it. Instantly it became one of my favorite plugs although I did not catch any fish with the new lure. I cast my lures from various spots in the harbor, but no fish attacked them. Actually, most lure fishermen got skunked this morning.

Jan 19, 2017

(No. 245) Japanese Spanish Mackerels at Nanbo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の南防にてサゴシ)

To tell the truth, I have been to Nanbo, a breakwater in Etomo Harbor, three times since my last post. Every time I fished for less than one hour before sunset, and every time I caught at least one young Japanese Spanish mackerel with my smallest metal jigs. However, I did not write a post about my recent fishing trips. I have been too busy. It may sound strange, but I am too busy not to go fishing. After doing translation (my job) continuously for 6 to 8 hours, I seriously need to refresh myself. To be more precise, I need to refresh my brain. For me, the best way to do it is to go fishing.
So I drove to Nanbo this evening, too. The fish were the least active today. I had just one bite, and luckily I managed to catch the fish. It spit out very small baitfish. I took a picture of them along with my Acme Kastmaster, the lure that caught the fish for me. The length of the lure excluding the hook is 7.5 cm (3 in.). What a small baitfish! After successfully refreshing my brain in this way, I am supposed to work again until around midnight, but tonight I become lazy. I am writing this piece.
(ですので今夕もまた、南防へ車を走らせました。最近の釣行の中では、今日がいちばん魚の活性が低い日でした。一度だけバイトがあり、幸運なことに私はその魚を釣り上げることができました。その魚は、非常に小さなベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)を口から吐き出しました。その魚を釣ってくれたルアー、アクメ・キャストマスターと並べて、ベイトフィッシュの写真を撮りました。針の部分を除くと、このルアーの長さは7.5センチです。なんと小さいベイトフィッシュでしょう! このようにして私は、脳をリフレッシュさせることに成功し、本来ですと、真夜中くらいまでまた仕事をしなければいけないのですが、今日は怠けてしまいました。つまり、この投稿を書いているわけです。)

Jan 14, 2017

(No. 244) “Double-handlization” is Completed for My PENN Torque Spinning Reels (PENNのトルク・スピニングリール、ダブルハンドル化完了)

First, I would like to tell you that this post is about neither my fishing trip nor stray cats. It is about a technical aspect of fishing gear that may interest only a few people. It is also a result of the fact that the bad weather and my tight work schedule do not allow me to go fishing for some time. Second, there is no word such as “double-handlization” in English. It is a completely new term just coined by me. As I explained in one of my previous posts, I am an ambidextrous caster. I am able to cast a lure either right-handed or left-handed, and there is no difference in casting distance and accuracy whichever hand I use. There are some merits of being ambidextrous, especially when you fish at a fishing spot such as ones along the rocky shore in the Sanin Region. That’s why I have used a spinning reel with two handles.
However, as soon as I started using a double-handled reel last summer, I noticed that the handles should line up straight in the opposite direction from each other. This is especially true of my bail-less spinning reel, PENN Torque 5. Otherwise, if you cast a lure carelessly, the increased momentum due to the two handles may allow the rotor to spin excessively and the line roller to catch the outgoing line. The line will be snapped off if damaged, and the precious lure will be gone. This issue had bothered me, but I didn’t find how to solve it. Several days ago, finally I came up with the idea. If I put an appropriate shim between a handle and the ball bearing that supports it, I must be able to adjust the direction of two handles. I immediately ordered several shims of different thickness and tried inserting one of them between the handle and the ball bearing. Ta-da! I made the handles of my reels line up dead straight in the opposite direction. The mission of double-handlizing My PENN Torque spinning reels is finally completed, and now I feel I own the best spinning reels in the world more than ever. Call me “Double-Handle-no-Masa,” “Dabuhan-no-Masa,” or “DH-no-Masa.”
(しかしながら私は、昨夏にダブルハンドル・リールを使い始めてすぐ、2つのハンドルはお互いに正反対の方向へ一直線になっているべきだということに気づきました。そしてそれは、とりわけ私のベールレス・スピニングリール、PENNのトルク5に当てはまるのです。もしそうなっていないリールで不用意にルアーを投げたら、ハンドルが2つあるために強まった勢いのせいでローターが過度に回転し、放出中のラインをラインローラーがつかんでしまう可能性があります。もしラインが傷ついていたら、そこでブツッと切れて、貴重なルアーが彼方へ飛んでいってしまいます。私はこの問題に悩まされてきましたが、解決法を思いつきませんでした。しかし数日前に、ついにひらめいたのです。適切なシムを、ハンドルと、ハンドルを支えるベアリングの間に置けば、2つのハンドルの方向を調節できるに違いない。すぐに私は、厚さの異なるシムをいくつか注文し、ハンドルとベアリングの間に挿入してみました。すると、どうでしょう! ついに2つのハンドルを正反対の方向へ一直線にすることができたのです。PENNのトルク・スピニングリールのダブルハンドル化というミッションはとうとう完了し、私は今、これまで以上に強く、世界最高のリールを所有していると感じています。これからは私を「ダブルハンドルのマサ」もしくは「ダブハンのマサ」もしくは「DHのマサ」と呼んでください。)

Jan 11, 2017

(No. 243) Japanese Spanish Mackerels at Edabo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の枝防にてサゴシ)

A gale was blowing at Nando in Etomo Harbor. As soon as I got off my car about 7 a.m., I found it almost impossible to fish at the breakwater. So I drove to the ice plant in the harbor, and walked toward Edabo, another convenient breakwater, while casting my lures. Sinsinbo, the largest and scariest breakwater in the harbor, softened the harshness of the gale. After nothing happened for about 30 minutes, two young Japanese Spanish mackerels suddenly hit my Acme Kastmaster XL successively. Then, the fish abruptly stopped attacking my lure. This morning the fish seemed active for only a very short period of time. As soon as I came back to my car parked near the ice plant, lovely four cats slowly appeared. One of them started rubbing itself against me. I could not resist their charm. So I gave half of my rice ball and a head of the fish to the cats. They shared the food and stayed by my side for a while as if they used me as a shelter from the gale.

Jan 8, 2017

(No. 242) Japanese Spanish Mackerel but Horrible Mistake at Nanbo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の南防にてサゴシを釣るもヒドい失敗)

Because I could not make much progress on my job yesterday and it rained this morning, I did not go to Izumo City to catch amberjacks but just worked hard today. However, as Jack Nicholson reminded us notoriously in the movie “Shining”, all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. So I fished at Nanbo In Etomo Harbor for just one hour before sunset. There were a few lure fishermen around the tip of the breakwater. One of them was the friendly fisherman whom I had met at the same spot two days ago. He said to me that he had been there yesterday too but he had not caught any fish. This evening the fish was not as active as two days ago, but after 5 p.m. he caught the first fish this evening. It was a nice fluke. I helped him to drain the blood from the fish. Then, he caught a young Japanese Spanish mackerel and hooked a small shark again.
I caught a young Japanese Spanish mackerel with my Acme Kastmaster. Two days ago I had caught two of the fish, and I had given them to two of my friends. My father, who is a glutton, had looked at me reproachfully when he had known no fish had been left for him. So I intended to take the fish to him today, but I made a horrible mistake. After treating the fish properly, I tried to wash the blood away with the water and the fish slipped out of my hand. The fisherman who caught the fluke tried to recover it with his net, but the fish was carried away with the current. I did not feel sorry for my father very much, but I felt terrible for the fish. Of course, I had already killed the fish before the accident happened. So some readers of this blog, especially those who are outside Japan, may feel a bit strange, but I feel very bad for the fish even now. I think most of my readers can understand it.

Jan 7, 2017

(No. 241) No Fish at Susumi-hana, Tawaragasaki, and Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻、タワラヶ崎、丸岩にて釣果なし)

One of the few merits of winter fishing is that you do not need to wake up very early to start fishing at dawn. This morning I woke up at 5 a.m. and I thought I would work for one hour in my bed before I left my place. My job is translation, and sometimes I lose track of time when I am doing my job. That’s what happened to me this morning. I hurriedly left my place about 6:30 a.m. I thought the parking space overlooking Susumi Bay was already full with cars. However, when I arrive at the space, I found only one car was parked. So I decided to get down there.
I started fishing at Susumi-hana, and moved toward Maruiwa through Tawaragasaki. No fish hit my lures. There was one bait fisherman at Maruiwa. He had caught a big red sea bream. Noticing I was using a big plug, he said to me, “No amberjacks, right?” “No. Nothing,” I said. After we shared the spot peacefully for a while, he got interested in my big spinning reel, a PENN Torque 9 with two handles. I said to him, “With this reel, I could easily land a huge yellowtail amberjack of more than 1 meter (40 in.) long. Only problem is that I cannot hook any.” He smiled, and then I called it a day about 9 a.m. If I make great progress on my job today, I may go to a fishing spot in Izumo City tomorrow. I don’t know if it is true, but I heard that there are plenty of amberjacks along the shore of the city now.

Jan 6, 2017

(No. 240) Japanese Spanish Mackerels at Nanbo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の南防にてサゴシ)

One of my younger friends, whom I had been recently acquainted with, asked me to introduce her to saltwater lure fishing. It occurred to me that fishing for young Japanese Spanish mackerels from a breakwater would be a good option for a beginner. For a potential fishing trip with her, I went to Etomo Harbor this evening in order to see the conditions by myself. When I arrived at Nanbo, one of breakwaters in the harbor, there was one lure fisherman casting his lures from the tip of it. I told him that I had expected to see boils around the tip. He was very friendly and told me that he had neither seen any boil nor caught any fish. Still, I kept telling him that we might catch some fish just before sunset.
Then, he noticed a vigorous boil in the distance. It was around Edabo, another breakwater in the harbor. Of course, it was way beyond our casting distance. Although tempted to drive to Edabo, we stayed at Nanbo while patiently waiting for sunset. It did not take long to know we made a good decision. First, he hooked a small shirk. Then, although there was no boil on the surface, I caught a Japanese Spanish mackerel of about 50 cm (20 in.) long with my Sea Striker Got-Cha 1400 plug. He immediately followed, and we started catching the fish. I caught another one with my Hopkins Smoothie No=Eql. I hoped the fish would stay around for a few more weeks and welcome the friend of mine.
(そして彼が、遠くで活発に立つナブラを発見しました。枝防という防波堤の周囲で立っています。もちろん、私たちのルアーが届く範囲を大幅に超えています。私たちは車に乗って枝防まで移動しようかと悩みましたが、南防に留まり、辛抱強く日没を待ちました。自分たちが良い判断をしたと分かるまでに時間はかかりませんでした。まず、彼が小さなサメをかけました。そして次に私が、水面にナブラは立っていませんでしたが、シーストライカー・ガッチャプラグ1400で約50cmのサゴシを釣ったのです。彼もすぐに続き、そして、魚は釣れ続きました。私は、ホプキンス・スムーズィー No=Eqlを使って、もう1匹釣りました。もう数週間ほど魚がそこにとどまり、友人を迎えてくれるよう、私は願いました。)

Jan 4, 2017

(No. 239) Goodbye My Zig Zag, and No Fish at Sanami Harbor and Maruiwa, Koidori-bana, etc. in Owashi (さよなら私のジグザグ、そして佐波港、大芦の丸岩や越鳥鼻ほかにて釣果なし)

When I arrived at the parking space overlooking Susumi Bay about 6 a.m., it was still very dark. Just when I unlocked the door of my car and slightly opened it, a strong wind slammed the door fully open. I had planned to go to Maruiwa or Susumi-hana, but obviously the wind was too strong. Instead I drove to Sanami Harbor and found there were already a few fishermen. Wondering I might catch a Japanese sea bass, I made several casts toward the inside of the harbor. Nothing happened. Soon the day broke, and I drove back to the parking space to see if I could go to Maruiwa. No car was parked there and the wind was still strong, but I decided to get down to the spot. As soon as I reached the spot, I found the wind was so strong that it was almost impossible to cast lures. I made just a few casts and then turned back. On my way back to the parking space, I made several casts toward Susumi Bay. There were nice patches of sarashi, but no fish attacked my lures.
Then I drove to Niregi-no-hato in Owashi Harbor. After making a few casts from the breakwater in vain, I decided to go to Koidori-bana, the western tip of Owashi Harbor. From Niregi-no-hato, I saw nice sarashi being formed around the spot. After following a path through the bamboo thicket for 15 minutes, I arrived at Koidori-bana. I had not been to the spot. The sarashi looked very promising, and I thought probably my Super Strike Zig Zag would entice some fish into strike. When I opened my tackle box, I noticed that my Zig Zag was not there. I got bewildered. Where did it go? Did I drop it somewhere? I slowly remembered that I left it on the roof of my car just before I started walking to Koidori-bana. I got relieved because I was confident that the lure must stay there until I came back. Instead of Zig Zag, I cast another favorite, a Northbar Bottledarter. Unfortunately, no fish attacked it as well as other lures. When I returned to my car, I found that nothing was on the roof. Maybe the lure thought it would work better for another fisherman. Goodbye, my Zig Zag. I wish you good luck. 
(それから私は大芦港の楡木の波止まで行きました。そこから数投したものの何も釣れないので、大芦港の西端である越鳥鼻に行くことにしました。良さそうなサラシが出来ているのが、楡木の波止から見えたのです。竹林の中の小道を15分ほど歩くと、越鳥鼻に到着です。私にとって初めての場所でした。かなり希望が持てそうなサラシに見えました。私は、スーパーストライク・ジグザグなら魚がヒットするのではないかと思いました。しかし、タックルボックスを開けてみると、そこにジグザグの姿がありません。私はうろたえました。どこに行ったのだ? どこで落としてしまったのだろう? 越鳥鼻に向けて歩き始める直前に、車の屋根に置き忘れてきたことを、私はゆっくりと思い出しました。そして安心しました。なぜなら、私が車に戻る時まで、間違いなくルアーはそこにあるはずだからです。私はジグザグの代わりに、もう一つのお気に入りであるノースバー・ボトルダーターを投げました。残念ながら、このルアーだけでなく、他のルアーにも魚のヒットはありませんでした。私が車に戻ってみると、屋根の上には何もありません。おそらくジグザグは、私ではなく、他の釣り人に使ってもらった方が、自分の実力をより良く発揮できると考えたのでしょう。さよなら、私のジグザグ。幸運を祈るよ。)