About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Aug 29, 2015

(No. 77) Chase by Yellowtail Amberjack at Oshima in Koura (古浦の男島にてヒラマサのチェイスあり)

I visited again Oshima, a huge rock to the west of Koura Public Beach. Arriving at the spot at 7 a.m., I thought it might have been a bit too late to enjoy the best time of fishing in a day. This time there weren't other fishermen around. I saw some baitfish, but nothing had happened for one hour and a half until I started twitching one of my favorite lures, Super Strike Zig Zag.
I found a slender shadow of fish following the white lure, which was darting from side to side just under the surface. The fish was swimming a little below the lure while maintaining the distance from it. My heart almost stopped, but finally the lure came back to my feet and the fish turned back. It looked a medium-sized yellowtail amberjack. After I gave up fishing, I swam at Koura Public Beach. I also took underwater pictures of the lure because it did a decent job.

Aug 28, 2015

(No. 76) No Fish at Ichinose in Koizu (小伊津の一の瀬にて釣果なし)

My expectations were raised high after I watched a local fishing program last night. Pictures of fishermen who proudly displayed yellowtail amberjacks were on screen, and one of the fishing personalities in the TV program said that now the fish is around along the shore of the Shimane Peninsula. In my excitement I woke up today before 4 a.m. and went straight to Ichinose, a fishing spot in Koizu, Izumo City. When I arrived at the spot before dawn, there were already a few fishermen. Ichinose is the best spot in Koizu according to the very useful “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook”. I was almost sure that I would catch some yellowtail amberjacks today.
The dawn broke, and I found that I had kept casting my lures for about an hour in vain. Not only I but also all the other fishermen caught no fish. One of them even stopped casting lures and took a rest sitting on the rocks. All of them looked tired. Their expectations might have been raised, too. The higher your expectations are, the greater your disappointment and fatigue get if you catch no fish. Still, I tenaciously kept casting my lures as I moved around in the spot, but in vain. Actually I didn’t see any baitfish. Where is the yellowtail amberjack on TV? One by one the other fishermen left the spot, and then there were none.
(夜が明け、気が付けば私は、1時間近くルアーを投げ続けているものの、何も釣れていないのでした。私だけでなく、他の釣り人も何も釣れていません。ルアーを投げるのを休んで、岩の上に腰を下ろして休憩中の人もいます。全員が疲れているように見えました。彼らの期待もまた、高まっていたのかもしれません。期待が高ければ高いほど、釣れなかった時の失望と疲労は深いのです。それでも私は、いろいろ場所を変えながら、根気強く、ルアーを投げ続けました。しかしやはり、何も釣れません。実際のところ、ベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)の姿も見えません。テレビで見たあのヒラマサはいったいどこにいるのでしょうか? 釣り人たちは一人ずつ釣り場を離れていき、そして、誰もいなくなったのでした。)

Aug 22, 2015

(No. 75) No Fish at Nanbo in Etomo Harbor and at Koura Public Beach (恵曇港の南防と古浦海水浴場にて釣果なし)

It was still dark when I arrived at Etomo Harbor before dawn. A silhouette of a man was approaching me at the parking spot. He was not a fisherman but a local guy who was taking a walk around the harbor. He asked, “What do you fish for?” His voice sounded familiar to me. He must have been somebody with whom I had talked before. “Any fish I can catch with my lures,” I replied. Then he said, “You can catch only the Japanese whiting now.” It sounded to me as if a death sentence. You cannot catch the fish with lures. You need bait. He basically said I would not catch any fish today.
Unfortunately his sentence proved to be right. I fished at the tip of Nanbo, one of the breakwaters, for about 45 minutes but did not see any baitfish nor catch any fish. Then I went to Koura Public Beach and fished for another 45 minutes in vain. I gave up fishing and swam as usual. I drove to Oshima for scouting. It is a huge rock 2 kilometers to the west of Koura Public Beach. Getting down a rather steep path for 15 minutes, I found a bait fisherman at the spot. He seemed to catch no fish, but the view is gorgeous, and getting to the spot requires a certain degree of athleticism. I like it. Next time I will carry my rod and reel.

Aug 16, 2015

(No. 74) No Fish at Ichimonji-hato in Sakaiminato and under the Mihonoseki Lighthouse (境港の一文字波止と美保関灯台の下にて釣果なし)

I woke up at 2 a.m. to drive to Sakaiminato City in Tottori Prefecture. Last January a friend of mine invited me to go fishing there, but we didn’t catch any fish. Today we tried the same spot again. A small fishing boat took us to the biggest breakwater (Ichimonji-hato) in Miho Bay, which the friend of mine frequently visits. He told me that Japanese sea bass and Japanese Spanish mackerels had been caught lately, but I was unlucky again. Although he managed to catch one nice Japanese sea bass, I couldn’t catch any fish.
Soon the time was up and the boat came back to pick us up. Next I went to under the Mihonoseki Lighthouse in Matsue City by myself, but no fish again. One fisherman who looked frustrated there told me that he had gotten no bite for 5 hours since before daybreak. As usual, I gave up fishing and swam. Then I drove to several fishing villages around the area just to take pictures. I came home after 5 p.m. It was a long day and I was a bit tired.

Aug 13, 2015

(No. 73) A Roll of Thunder around Omisaki Bridge (大海崎橋にて雷鳴あり)

Last night I finally completed a time-consuming translation project, which I have worked on intermittently since the middle of June. I felt such an enormous sense of release that I declared to myself, “I definitely go fishing tomorrow morning.” However, my mother calmly warned me. “The Obon Holiday starts tomorrow. You never do an act of killing. Even just going fishing is not recommended.” The Obon Holiday is a Buddhist festival held from August 13 to 16. It is for honoring the spirits of ancestors, which are believed to visit their descendants on August 13.
Since I was a kid, my mother has kept saying the same thing around this time of the year, but I have kept going fishing anyway. This time is not an exception. I went to Omisaki Bridge at Daikon Island in Lake Nakaumi, looking for big Japanese sea bass. The water looked good, and I even saw a few schools of baitfish cause ripples on the surface. But I had to stop fishing after I made just several casts. I started hearing an ominous roll of thunder. The spirits of ancestors might have been angry.

Aug 4, 2015

(No. 72) No Fish at Uppurui-bana (十六島鼻にて釣果なし)

This morning I went to Uppurui-bana in Izumo City. Uppurui is famous for its delicious seaweed, Uppurui Nori. You are not allowed to fish at Uppurui-bana from November to March because the seaweed grows on the rocky beach in the winter and local residents pick it up along the shore. Today I was heading toward Nitaki, one of the fishing spots in Uppurui-bana. The rocky path is so steep that at one point you have to climb the aluminum ladder that some fishermen kindly left. It was a thrilling trip. However, I could not get to Nitaki because I ended up in the place where I couldn't find a route to it any more. I though I took a wrong path. I turned back.
Instead I went to Ohbira to which I have been before. Unfortunately there were not so many baitfish. No boil either. I moved to the spot called Nakabasan, the very tip of Uppurui-bana. To the east of Nakabasan, there is a small island called Mashima. I swam across the water with my rod and reel to try my American lures from the island. Unfortunately I caught no fish, but the swimming part was very fun. Just getting to the island is rewarding. After I came home, I looked into the “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook”. It says certainly there is the path to Nitaki even when you think you cannot move forward anymore. All that you have to do is to be calm and to look around. I will try again.