I am a weak person, and I love Tayu Harbor. Tayu is one of the tiniest fishing villages in the Shimane Peninsula. It is a cozy small village, but, as far as I can see, it still has everything that any small village should have, such as a temple, a shrine, a graveyard, and a grocery store. I love Tayu Harbor, and it is one of primary destinations when I guide guests from outside Shimane Prefecture, but I don’t go fishing there as often as I did before. I hesitate to go fishing there. Why? Because Tayu Harbor reminds me of the fact that I am a weak person, as it did today.
(私は弱い人間ですが、手結港が大好きです。手結は島根半島で最も小さな漁村の一つだと思います。こぢんまりした漁村ではあるものの、私が見る限り、寺、神社、墓地、そして食料品店など、小さな村に必要なすべてのものがまだ残っています。私は手結港が大好きであって、島根県外からのお客様を案内する際の主な目的地の一つでもあるのですが、以前ほど頻繁には、釣りに行かなくなりました。手結港に釣りに行くのを躊躇してしまうのです。なぜでしょうか? 手結港に行くと思い知らされるからです。自分は弱い人間である、ということを。まさに今日のように。)
After I completed one of my translation assignments this morning, I felt I needed a break. So I went fishing. It’s a national holiday today. Popular fishing spots might have been already crowded. So I decided to go to Tayu Harbor. As I had expected, there were only a few anglers there, but here’s the rub. They had parked their cars in the most convenient area of the harbor, but It’s not allowed to park there unless you are a professional fisherman belonging to Tayu Harbor. I parked my car in another slightly remote area open to the public and took a walk to the fishing spot. When I was wondering if I should scold the anglers who had parked their cars in the prohibited area, another car was arriving.
I finally decided to take action. I hoped the new arrival would be a cocky sullen punk with only fashionable fishing equipment. If so, it would be much easier for me to scold him. If they were a pair of ignorant hooligans, it would be even better. But that was not the case. A gentle young man with a friendly smile got out of the car. In addition, it was he who started the conversation with me. I am usually the one who starts a conversation at a fishing spot, but at that time I had fallen into a silence, wondering if I should warn him or not. He respectfully asked me, “Did you catch any fish?” His voice was so gentle and affable that I had to reply to it with a most tender smile on my face. “Nothing.” Then we chatted happily about the amberjack fishing, and I realized I had missed an opportunity to scold him. Tayu Harbor made me realize again. I am a weak person who can scold probably only the most wicked villain.
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