The weather has worsened since my last post, and I am not sure if I am going to have an opportunity to go fishing at any rocky shore this week. So I assigned myself a different kind of task today. When I went to Taka-hana and Sakitaka-hana last time, I found one rope along the path in the woods torn at the middle of it. I decided to repair it. My plans were as follows; (1) Find a rope washed up on a beach, (2) Carry it to the path in the woods, and (3) Replace or reinforce the severed rope with it.
(前回の投稿以来、天候が悪化し、今週は磯釣りに行けるかどうか分かりません。そこで今日は、別の課題に取り組みました。前回、高鼻と先高鼻に行った時、林中の小道沿いのロープが真ん中で千切れているのを発見したのです。それを修繕することにしました。計画は以下の通りです。(1) どこかの浜辺に打ち上げられているロープを見つける、(2) それを拾って林の中へと運ぶ、(3) そのロープで、千切れたロープを交換または補強する。)
I easily found a few tangles of ropes washed up on the beach of Susumi Bay, although it’s not very easy to separate one good rope from the tangle because the ropes were entangled so tightly with each other. Then, I successfully repaired the torn rope with the new rope. Now the path gets much safer. After I completed the mission, I gave myself a reward. I allowed myself to enjoy a bit of fishing at Sanami Harbor, using my Seigler SGN Signature reel, which I had recently obtained and been impressed with because of its lightness and beauty.
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