About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jan 27, 2019

(No. 425) No Fish at Various Spots in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の様々な釣り場にて釣果なし)

Sinsinbo is the largest caisson breakwater in Etomo Harbor, and the tip of it is one of the most dangerous fishing spots as far as I know. Some unlucky or careless fishermen have died there. I usually don’t fish at the tip of Sinsinbo, but today I carried my two-way fishing rod to the spot. The reel placed on the rod was PENN 310 GTi, one of my old conventional reels. As I had anticipated, I felt much safer and comfortable with the conventional reel. 
(新々防は、恵曇港で最も大きいケーソン式の防波堤であり、私が知る限り、その先端は、最も危険な釣り場の一つです。不運な、あるいは不注意な釣り人が、何人も命を落としている場所なのです。ふだん、私は、新々防の先端で釣りはしませんが、今日は、二刀流ロッドを持って先端に出てみました。竿に搭載したリールは、私が所有する古い両軸リールの一つ、PENNの310 GTiです。予想していた通り、両軸リールを使うと、はるかに安全かつ快適に感じられました。)
The fishing line runs above your rod when you use a conventional reel, so you can actually place your rod on the edge of a breakwater as shown in one of the photos above. With a spinning reel, you have to create some clearance between your rod and the edge because the line runs under your rod. In order to create the clearance, you have to stand closer to the edge than you do with a conventional reel. In other words, you have to get closer to a fall into the water. Today I did not only find a clear advantage of using a conventional reel but also happen to see again the friendly fisherwoman whom I met about two years ago. What a good day!

Jan 24, 2019

(No. 424) Development of True Two-way Rod at Edabo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の枝防にて真の二刀流ロッドの開発)


Shohei Ohtani is a true two-way professional baseball player for the Los Angeles Angels, although he won’t pitch in the 2019 MLB season due to the effects of so-called Tommy John surgery. Unlike other normal players that are either a hitter or a pitcher, he can do the both. Probably influenced by Ohtani, I have tried to create a true two-way fishing rod for the 2019 fishing season. What is a two-way fishing rod? Actually I just coined the term a few seconds ago. In my dictionary it means a fishing rod that can be used as a spinning rod and also as a conventional/baitcasting rod.
(ロサンゼルス・エンゼルスに所属しているプロの野球選手、大谷翔平は、真の二刀流です。2019年のシーズンは、いわゆるトミー・ジョン手術の影響で投げられないものの、普通の選手が打者か投手のどちらか一方であるのと異なり、大谷選手は、打つのも投げるのも、どちらもできるのです。おそらく大谷選手に影響された私は、2019年の釣りシーズンのために、真の二刀流ロッドの製作に取り組んできました。さて、二刀流ロッドとは何なのでしょう? それは実は、ほんの数秒前に私が作った言葉です。私の辞書によれば、二刀流ロッドとは、スピニングロッドとしても、そして両軸/ベイトキャスティングロッドとしても使える竿を意味します。)
This afternoon I drove to Etomo Harbor in order to do the final test of the rod with PENN 310 GTi (a conventional reel) and Ohmori Factory’s Tackle-Auto No.4 (a spinning reel). Now I feel I finally created a true two-way fishing rod. Why do I need such a weird rod? Is there any special reason behind the development of the rod? Actually I don’t know, but at least one thing is for sure. If you find a fisherman who is switching his spinning reel to his conventional reel or vice versa at a fishing spot, he is very likely to be me.
(今日の午後、私は恵曇港へ行き、PENNの310 GTi(両軸リール)と大森製作所のタックル・オート No.4(スピニングリール)を使って、この竿の最終テストを実施してきました。そして今、ついに自分は、真の二刀流ロッドを完成させたのだと感じています。なぜ私は、そんな奇妙な竿を必要としているのでしょう? いったい、この竿の開発の背後には、何か特別な理由でもあるのでしょうか? 実をいうと、私にも分かりません。ただ、ひとつだけ確かなことがあります。もしもあなたが、スピニングリールと両軸リールを釣り場で交換している釣り人を見かけたら、その釣り人は、かなりの確率で私なのです。)

Jan 19, 2019

(No. 423) Poor Pufferfish and Use of Conventional Reel at Edabo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の枝防にて可哀想なフグ、そして両軸リールの使用)

When I am casting and retrieving a lure at a breakwater, especially at a caisson breakwater with vertical sides, sometimes I feel like using a conventional or a baitcasting reel instead of a spinning reel. The fishing line runs under your rod when you use a spinning reel. You have to be careful not to let the line touch the edge of a caisson and be damaged. With a conventional or a baitcasting reel, the line runs above your rod, so you are free from the worry. First I used a spinning reel at Edabo this afternoon. After catching a poor pufferfish by snagging its side, I took out my PENN Leveline 350M, an old conventional reel that I recently bought. After casting and retrieving for a while, I thought I would use this old reel from time to time.

Jan 12, 2019

(No. 422) No Fish in front of Ice Plant and at Edabo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の製氷所前と枝防にて釣果なし)

The lower the temperature gets, the lazier I get as a fisherman. These days I don’t go to a rocky shore along the Shimane Peninsula. It must be chillier and it’s more difficult to catch a fish in the winter. So I often drive to Etomo Harbor and cast my favorite lures mainly toward the inside of the harbor. I did not catch any fish this morning as usual, but I talked to a young lure fisherman, a fisherman for octopuses, and one of several stray cats. All of them were very polite, and I got happy.

Jan 7, 2019

(No. 421) No Fish in front of Ice Plant and at Edabo in Etomo Harbor and at Kurauchi Bay (恵曇港の製氷所前と枝防、そして倉内湾にて釣果なし)

This morning I drove to Etomo Harbor and arrived before daybreak. The sea looked a bit too calm for catching a Japanese sea bass or Japanese Spanish mackerel. If you go to Etomo Harbor in the daytime, you probably see patient stray cats waiting for fishermen to give them small fish. This morning I did not see any cats. It might have been too early for the cats. I did not see any fish, either. So I drove to Kurauchi Bay, but nothing exciting happened there, either.

Jan 1, 2019

(No. 420) Japanese Spanish Mackerel between Ice Plant and Edabo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の製氷所と枝防の間にてサワラ)

After finishing and uploading my annual New Year's rap, I drove to Kurauchi Bay although it was raining. Creating and playing a rap song is very fun, but making it public on the Internet is another story. It is stressful. So I needed to go fishing in order to relax. There was a nice patch of sarashi (white churning water) in Kurachi Bay. I felt I would catch a Japanese sea bass under the sarashi, but nothing happened. I gave up the spot at once and drove to Etomo Harbor. I arrived at the harbor shortly before sunset. I started the run-and-gun style fishing in front of ice plant. When I reached halfway between the ice plant and Edabo, I cast my Super Strike Zig Zag. A few minutes later I became a “fisherman” again. I mean, I was not a “non-fisherman” anymore. It was a beautiful Japanese Spanish mackerel of 60 cm (24 in.) long. By the way, recently I knew there was at least one “non-fisherman” in this world except for me. Mr. T., I wish you good luck!