About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jun 30, 2017

(No. 287) Have Been Skunked at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にてボウズ続き)

What happened to my American lures? This summer they used to be very effective in catching big Japanese sea bass at Lake Shinji, but now they are as if stopped working and enjoyed the summer vacation. The lake is just a few minutes away from my place on foot. I have been to the lake more than 30 times since I landed the last one on June 13 and more than 20 times since I hooked but missed the big one due to my fumbling on June 18. Maybe the problem is that I don’t have many lures. There is not much variety in my tackle box. I have been using the same several favorites all the time. Did the fish become too familiar with them to be lured?
(私のアメリカン・ルアーに何が起きたのでしょう? この夏、宍道湖でのスズキ釣りにおいて彼らは非常に効果的だったのですが、今はもう働くのをやめて、夏休みを楽しんでいるかのようです。湖は、私の家から歩いて数分のところにあります。6月13日に最後の一匹を釣り上げてからは30回以上、6月18日に大きな一匹をかけたもののヘマをして逃がしてしまってからは20回以上、私は宍道湖へ出かけています。もしかしたら問題は、私がルアーをたくさん持っていないことにあるのかもしれません。私のタックルボックスには多様性というものがありません。数個のお気に入りをずっと使い続けているのです。魚たちはルアーを覚えてしまい、それでもう誘惑されなくなってしまったのでしょうか?)

Jun 20, 2017

(No. 286) One Precious Strike at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて貴重なストライク)

Unexpected events occurred one after another this afternoon. I could not go to Lake Shinji as often as I hoped, but I went to the northern shore of it as soon as I became free this evening. It was already after 6 p.m. No lure fisherman around me seemed to catch any fish. I decided to go across Shinjiko Ohashi Bridge to cast my lures from the shore along Shirakata Park, where I was pleasantly joined by a friend of mine who lives in the neighborhood. She had neither tried lure fishing for herself nor seen me fishing before.
I showed her how to use an American pencil popper and then let her retrieve a few plugs to taste a little of lure fishing. There were several lure fishermen around and I hoped one of them would catch fish to entertain her, but nothing happened. When I became almost hopeless, the Northbar Flying Squid did a great job. The lure enticed a fish, most likely Japanese sea bass, into a splashy strike. Fortunately the friend of mine saw it in the distance. Although the fish missed the lure and I got skunked, I was glad that she saw the exciting interaction between a human being and fish. 

Jun 18, 2017

(No. 285) Missed Big Japanese Sea Bass at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて大きなスズキを逃がす)

In the last post I announced the temporary retirement of CCW’s Jetty Swimmer from Japanese sea bass fishing in Lake Shinji. The lure was so effective that it would make me catch more fish than necessary. Now I have to announce that the retirement came to an end. The Japanese sea bass in Lake Shinji has been regarded as one of traditional seven delicacies, but not many local residents have actually eaten a freshly caught one. Last week I went to COCHICA, my favorite local pastry shop, to buy some delicious tarts. Through the conversation with its charming shopkeepers, I found that they belonged to such unlucky locals. So I made a hurried promise to take a fresh fish to them.
That’s why the Jetty Swimmer had to end a happy retirement and to come back to the front line of fishing. However, it was CCW’s Darter plug that was effective this afternoon. Foolishly, I tried to take a gorgeous picture of the fish while it was still struggling in the water. The second picture above is one of such failed pictures. It shows only my bent rod but no fish. The fish was too deep in the water. The next moment the hook came out. The fish had spat out a baitfish. I retrieved it and took a picture along with two CCW lures. It was a konosirus punctatus of 26 cm (10 in.) long.
P.S. Somebody left a seemingly expensive plier at the shore. I have it. If you know the owner of it, please let me know or let the owner know.

Jun 13, 2017

(No. 284) Japanese Sea Bass at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にてスズキ)

As I have previously mentioned, my motto is not “Catch and Release.” I usually practice “Catch and Eat but Never Catch Too Many.” To be precise, my motto may be “Catch and Eat but Incapable to Catch Many.” This afternoon I caught a Japanese sea bass of 60 cm (24 in.) long when I was using CCW’s Jetty Swimmer at the northern shore of Lake Shinji. I immediately took the catch to one of my old friends who had wanted to eat it. The fish is one of seven delicacies in the lake, and it is very tasty with a proper treatment. For me, the Jetty Swimmer is getting more and more like the NBA’s Golden State Warriors. The Warriors became so good with the addition of Kevin Durant that I feel now there is no good competition in the NBA. From a similar viewpoint, I decide to retire the Jetty Swimmer temporarily. This lure is so good that I am afraid I won’t keep my motto. I will use American lures with which I have not caught any fish in Japan until the so-called “Konoshiro-pattern” of the lake ends.

Jun 12, 2017

(No. 283) Japanese Sea Bass at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にてスズキ)

I started fishing at the northern shore of Lake Shinji about 2 p.m. I was doing the run-and-gun style fishing toward Shinjiko Ohashi Bridge when I saw one lure fisherman in the distance. He was slowly coming near to me. He was also doing the run-and-gun. Suddenly he screamed and stepped into the lake. I thought some terrible accident happened, but soon I found he just caught a good fish. “I did it! I did it!” he stepped out of the water while screaming. 
(宍道湖の北岸で釣り始めたのは午後2時頃でした。宍道湖大橋へ向かってラン&ガン方式の釣りをしていると、遠くに一人のルアー釣り師の姿がありました。彼はゆっくりと私の方に近づいてきます。彼もまたラン&ガンをしているのでした。突然、彼が叫び声を上げ、湖に足を踏み入れました。何か大変な事故でも起きたのかと思いましたが、良い型の魚が釣れただけだとすぐに分かりました。「やった! やった!」と叫び続けながら、彼は湖から上がってきました。)
To mu surprise, he was the new friend of mine, whom I had taken to Etomo Harbor a month ago and mentioned in my earlier post No. 271 & 275. He said he finally caught a huge Japanese sea bass of 86 cm (34 in.) long. He had come to Matsue City to work temporarily and he would leave this city the day after tomorrow. Understandably, he was very excited. I was glad that he caught a huge one before he left. As for me, after having a missed splashy bite with Line Stretcher’s Surface Tension (2oz) and Guppy Lure’s 2 oz. Mini respectively, I caught a nice one with the Jetty Swimmer made by Couch’s Cedar Works (CCW). The fish was not so big, just 70 cm (28 in.) long, but, oh boy, it pulled so hard.
(驚いたことに彼は、1カ月前、私が恵曇港へ連れていき、そして以前の投稿No. 271275で触れた、新しい友人の一人でした。ついに巨大なスズキが釣れました、と彼は言いました。大きさは86センチ。彼は短期間働くため松江に来ていたのですが、ついに明後日、松江を発つとのことでした。当然ながら、彼はとても興奮していました。この地を去る前に彼に大物が釣れて、私も嬉しく思いました。私はといえば、ライン・ストレッチャーのサーフェス・テンション(2oz)とグッピールアーの2オンス・ミニに飛沫の上がるミスバイト(魚の食い損ね)が1回ずつあった後、カウチズ・シーダー・ワークス(CCW)のジェティー・スイマーに良い型がかかりました。それほど大きくはなく、70センチでしたが、なんと強く引いたことでしょう。)

Jun 6, 2017

(No. 282) Big Flathead at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて大きなマゴチ)

This is the second post today. After I caught the huge Japanese sea bass in the Ohashi River, I went to Lake Shinji to express my gratitude to the regular at the northern shore of the lake. Thanks to his tip, I had gone to the Ohashi River and caught the huge fish. To my surprise, he told me that he had actually seen me catching the fish. I had noticed there was one lure fisherman on the opposite side of the river, but I had not realized he was the fisherman. After enjoying a comfortable chat, we resumed fishing. Unfortunately he got skunked and left the spot before sunset. I stayed and kept casting some of my favorite lures. When I was using the Darter plug made by Couch’s Cedar Works (CCW), the sun went down and I felt slight but sharp pull on the lure. “Was it a bite?” I wondered and then cast the lure in the same direction as the previous cast. Bang! First I thought it was a Japanese sea bass, but the way of shaking its body was different. The fish was a big flathead of 60 cm (24 in.) long. It was the first fish that I had caught on CCW’s Darter plug.
(これが今日2回目の投稿となります。大橋川で巨大なスズキを釣った私は、宍道湖へ行きました。湖の北岸にいる例の常連さんに感謝の意を示すためです。彼の助言のおかげで、私は大橋川へ行き、あの巨大な魚を釣ることができたのです。驚いたことに彼は、私がその魚を釣るのを見ていたと言うのでした。川の対岸にルアー釣り師がいたことに気づいてはいましたが、まさかそれが彼だったとは思いませんでした。私たちはおしゃべりを楽しんでから、釣りを再開しました。残念ながら彼はボウズ(何も釣れないこと)に終わり、日没前に帰っていきました。私はとどまって、お気に入りのルアーを投げ続けました。カウチズ・シーダー・ワークス(CCW)が作ったダーター・プラグを使っている時、日が沈み、何かがルアーをわずかに、しかし鋭く引いた感じがしました。「魚が噛んだのかな?」私はそう思い、同じ方向にルアーを投げました。ドカン! 最初、私はスズキがかかったのかと思いましたが、体の振り方がスズキのそれとは異なります。全長60センチの大きなマゴチでした。CCWのダーター・プラグで釣れた初めての魚でした。)

(No. 281) Huge Fat Japanese Sea Bass at Ohashi River (大橋川にて巨大かつ丸々と太ったスズキ)

I just caught a huge Japanese sea bass in the Ohashi River! I had gone to Lake Shinji yesterday evening and obtained a good piece of information from one of friendly regulars. He said he had been to the Ohashi River by Nakaumi Ohashi Bridge before he came to the lake and he had hooked but missed a big one with a topwater lure. So this afternoon I decided to try the river. When I arrived around the bridge at 2:30 p.m., the current in the river was too strong to use an American pencil popper comfortably. So I switched it to my Jetty Swimmer made by Couch’s Cedar Works (CCW). At the second or third cast I hooked the fish. Instantly I noticed it was a huge fish. The drag of my PENN Torque 5 made a screeching sound a few times. It was a huge and fat Japanese sea bass of 90 cm (35 in.) long.
(たった今、大橋川で巨大なスズキを釣りました! 昨日の午後、私は宍道湖へ行き、仲の良い常連さんの一人から、良い情報を入手したのです。彼は宍道湖へ来る前に、大橋川の中海大橋の近くで、良い型のスズキをトップウォーターでかけたものの、逃げられてしまったそうなのです。そこで私は、今日の午後、大橋川で釣ってみることにしました。中海大橋のそばに到着したのは午後2時30分頃でしたが、川の流れが速すぎて、アメリカのペンシル・ポッパーを快適に使うことができません。そこで私はルアーを、カウチズ・シーダー・ワークス(CCW)が作ったジェティー・スイマーに替えました。その2投目か3投目に魚がかかりました。その魚が巨大であることに、私は即座に気づきました。PENNトルク5のドラグが数回、金切り声を立てました。それは全長90センチ、丸々と太った巨大なスズキでした。)

Jun 3, 2017

(No. 280) No Fish at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて釣果なし)

Since I caught the fish last weekend, I have been to the northern shore of Lake Shinji several times. The so-called “Konoshiro-pattern” should have continued, but no fish have attacked my American lures. Not only I but also most of the regulars at the shore have been skunked. Even so, I have enjoyed myself. Talking to the regulars and bystanders is always fun. When I was doing the run-and-gun style fishing this evening, some kids were doing fireworks at the shore. A few of them got interested in me. I showed some of my lures and even let the kids retrieve my lure after I cast it for them. It would have been extremely wonderful if one of them had caught fish, but I was satisfied to let them taste the joy of fishing.