I arrived in Etomo Harbor about 7 a.m. No one was around, but one lure fisherman soon came to the spot in front of the ice plant. He asked me where to go to catch young Japanese Spanish mackerels. He said he had seen a report of good catch of the fish yesterday on a website of one local tackle shop. It seemed he had not been to the harbor many times. I gave him some unreliable tips and started fishing around Edabo, a breakwater sticking out from Sinsinbo, the biggest breakwater in the harbor. Soon I caught a young Japanese Spanish mackerels with Acme Kastmaster XL. The lure fisherman joined in me around the tip of Edabo, but we could not catch another fish. The rain started falling, and it got colder. So I left him there to go back to my car.
While I took shelter from the rain, he returned to the parking space with one young Japanese Spanish mackerel. He said he had been fishing since the middle of the night and he called it a day with the fish. I was glad that he caught one. I walked to Edabo to start fishing again, but I saw a nice patch of sarashi (white churning water) under the tip of Sinsinbo. At the end of last year I declared that I would not fish at the tip of Sinsinbo, but the sarashi looked so tempting that I climbed the scariest breakwater to get to the tip. After a few failed attempts, I managed to let my Northbar Montauk Darter swim underneath the sarashi. Bang! A fat Japanese sea bass hit the lure, and I successfully landed it. Today I caught two fish safely, and during the course of it I met three lure fishermen. All of them were friendly. What a nice day today!
(雨宿りをしていると、彼がサゴシとともに駐車スペースに戻ってきました。真夜中からずっと釣りをしていたという彼は、その一匹でもう今日は納竿することにしたのだそうです。彼がサゴシを釣ることができて、私も嬉しく思いました。私は枝防まで歩いて、また釣り始めようとしましたが、新々防の先端の下に、良さそうなサラシ(かき混ぜられた白い水)ができているのが見えました。昨年の終わり、私は新々防の先端ではもう二度と釣りをしないと宣言したのですが、そのサラシがとても魅力的だったので、私はつい、その最恐の防波堤を登って、先端まで行ってしまったのでした。何度か失敗した後、ノースバー・モントーク・ダーターをサラシの下に通すことに成功しました。ドカン! よく太ったスズキがルアーにヒットし、首尾よく釣り上げることができました。今日、私には2匹の魚が安全に釣れ、その過程で、3人のルアー釣り師に出会いました。彼らは皆、友好的な釣り人でした。今日は、なんて良い日なのでしょう!)