About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jun 29, 2016

(No. 178) Special Reel Setup and Video Shooting at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて特殊なリール設定とビデオ撮影)

I am an ambidextrous caster. I can cast a lure either right-handed or left-handed. No matter which hand I use, casting distance and accuracy do not change. Originally I was a right-handed caster, but a few years ago I started practice to cast a lure using my left hand. In New York you can cast a lure from one of many extensive sandy beaches where there is no obstructive object around you. On the other hand, many beaches in Matsue City are very rocky, and slopes to them are often very steep. Sometimes you even feel you are fishing from a mountain, not from a beach. In Matsue, your casting is sometimes obstructed by rocks, and you may wish you could cast a lure using the other hand.
So I decided to be an ambidextrous caster when I was still in the U.S. To my surprise, it took me just a few months to acquire a perfect command of my left hand. However, when I was using an American pencil popper, I had used only my right hand. Which means, I shook my rod only with my dominant hand while using my reel only with my left hand. Recently I decided to be an ambidextrous American pencil popper user. So these days my reel has two handles. In this way you don’t need to change a position of handle. Don’t you think it looks cool? The water was very calm at Lake Shinji today. So I recorded a video of an American pencil popper moving on the surface. Even if no fish attacked the lure today, don’t you think it looks exciting?
(だから私は、まだ米国に住んでいた時に、左右両方でルアーを投げられるようになろうと決意しました。驚いたことに、自由に左手が使えるようになるまでに、ほんの数カ月しかかかりませんでした。とはいえ、アメリカのペンシル・ポッパーを動かす時は、私は右手だけを使ってきました。つまり、竿を揺さぶるのは利き腕の右手だけであり、リールは左手だけで巻いてきたのです。このたび私は、ペンシル・ポッパーも左右両方で使えるようになろうと決意しました。だから最近、私のリールには両側にハンドルが付いています。こうすれば、いちいちハンドルの位置を変える必要がないからです。このリール、カッコいいと思いませんか? 今日の宍道湖の水面はとても穏やかでした。そこで私は、アメリカのペンシル・ポッパーが水面で動くところを撮影したのです。魚は釣れませんでしたが、このルアーの動き、ワクワクしませんか?)

Jun 25, 2016

(No. 177) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて釣果なし)

The rain stopped early in the morning, but the wind was still too strong and the waves were still too high at Lake Shinji. The flagstones at the shore are usually dry and provide fishermen with good footing, but today the muddy water submerged them. I gave up the lake this afternoon and went to Kurauchi Bay, which lies at the opposite side of the Shimane Peninsula. I had not seen the Sea of Japan for some time. On seeing the sea, I noticed June was almost over but I had not yet started swimming in the sea this year. Last year I was already swimming at the beginning of June. Unfortunately the swell was too heavy to swim at Kurauchi Bay today.
As for fishing, I took out a new long rod that I recently purchased directly from an American rod builder. It is a custom-made Rainshadow SU1418F (11’9”). When I needed to use a strong rod, I used to use Okinawa Manbika 110SXH, but I always felt it was too stiff and too weighty. It felt unsuitable for using American lures. So I had to part with it, and I bought the new rod beautifully handcrafted in the U.S.A. Today I coupled it with my PENN Torque 9 and cast my Llungen DC-10. It is one of super heavy American spinners for pike fishing that I bought in Stockholm recently. The spinner weighs 94 grams (3.3 oz.), and the resistance of the water when I was retrieving it was incredible. It was almost weight training. I love it.

Jun 19, 2016

(No. 176) Several Bites at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にてバイトがいくつか)

Eight days have already passed since I caught the huge Japanese sea bass at Lake Shinji. I keep coming back to the same area, but I have not caught any fish since then. I just got several bites when I was using an American pencil popper. As some of you already know, I love using it at the lake. It is a big lure and it flies very far. The remarkable way of using it looks so different from any other fishing styles in Japan that it can be a good entertainment for tourists who walk along the shore of Lake Shinji.
The big lure splashes around noisily on the surface that some tourists say to me, “Wow! You catch a big fish!” They mistake the lure that I move as a fish that I catch. No other lure can do such a trick. Last year I caught a few big ones with a Northbar Flying Squid, one of American pencil poppers that I own. So this year I have mostly used another one, a Guppy Lure’s 2 oz. Mini, with which I have not caught any fish in Japan. This summer I may end up catching no Japanese sea bass with this lure, but this is the way I love fishing.
(大きなルアーが水面に騒々しい飛沫を上げるため、観光客の中には「わあ! 大きな魚が釣れた!」と言われる方もいます。私が動かすルアーを、釣れた魚だと勘違いされるのです。こんな芸当をしてくれるのは、このルアーだけです。去年は、私が所有するアメリカのペンシル・ポッパーの一つ、ノースバー・フライング・スクイッドで数匹の大きなスズキ釣れました。なので今年は、私は主にグッピールアーの2オンス・ミニを使っています。私はまだこのルアーで日本の魚を釣ったことがありません。この夏、このルアーではスズキが釣れずに終わるのかもしれませんが、こういう釣りこそ、私が好むものなのです。)

Jun 11, 2016

(No. 175) Huge Fat Japanese Sea Bass at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて巨大かつ丸々と太ったスズキ)

I started fishing at the northern shore of Lake Shinji around 3 p.m., but I had to take shelter from the occasional hard rain a few times. When the rain stopped finally, I was called to do one of household chores. I came back to the lake about 5:30 p.m. After enjoying comfortable chats with some of familiar faces, I cast a Classic Danny made by Couch’s Cedar Works (CCW).
Danny plugs are one of typical lures for striped bass fishing in the U.S., and not only CCW but also other lure makers offer this type of lure. Unlike American pencil poppers, there is no showiness in how to use a Danny plug, but it is known for the ability to catch big fish. Today My Danny plug finally did what it’s supposed to do. It brought me a huge and fat Japanese sea bass of 90 cm (35 in.) long. After I caught the fish, two of my old classmates who were running on the bank of the lake found me with the fish. What a coincidence that they found me when I just caught big one! The second picture posted above was taken by one of them. Thank you for the nice picture!
(ダニー・プラグは、米国におけるストライプド・バス釣りの代表的なルアーの一つであって、CCWだけでなく、他の多くのルアーメーカーが、同じタイプのルアーを作っています。アメリカのペンシル・ポッパーと異なり、ダニー・プラグの使い方に派手なところはないのですが、このルアーは大きな魚が釣れることで知られています。今日、私のダニー・プラグは、ついにその本領を発揮したのでした。巨大かつ丸々と太った、90センチのスズキをもたらしてくれたのです。私がこの魚を釣ると、湖の土手をランニングしていた2人の元同級生が、私を発見しました。大きな魚を釣った直後に私を見つけてくれるなんて、何という偶然でしょう! 上にある2つ目の写真は、その元同級生の1人が撮ってくれたものです。素敵な写真をありがとう!)

Jun 10, 2016

(No. 174) Still Using American Pencil Poppers at Lake Shinji (引き続きアメリカのペンシル・ポッパーを宍道湖にて使用中)

As I mentioned in my last post, my confidence in American pencil poppers is slightly shaken now. At this time of last year, I caught some big Japanese sea bass with such pencil poppers. The lures also produced a lot of missed strikes from excited fish. This magic has not yet happened this year, but I keep using American pencil poppers by the American method, because it is still fun and, using a big lure by the different method from other fishermen, I can be a kind of tourist attraction. This evening I was with one of my old classmates at the northern shore of Lake Shinji. He hooked big fish twice, but the fishing line broke both times. Such exciting things did not happen to me, but somehow I felt I would catch big one sooner or later.