About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Feb 27, 2016

(No. 138) How about Fishing Permit? (釣り許可証なんてどうでしょう?)

There are intriguing differences between the Sanin Region of Japan, where I live now, and the Northeastern United States, where I used to live. In my earlier posts I have already mentioned a few of them; the way of using some topwater plugs, the prevalence of bail-less reels in the U.S. in contrast to in Japan, etc. Today I would like to discuss another difference: a regulatory mechanism to control recreational fishing. How about introducing a fishing permit system in Japan?
When I was in New York City, I had to buy a permit for surf fishing and get registered every year. The permit was available at any tackle shop. I don’t remember the exact price, but it should have been about 20 dollars per year. The permit became free of charge a few years ago, and you would not need to pay a fine even if you were caught while fishing without the permit. However, you were still required to ask a tackle shop to register your name in the Recreational Marine Fishing Registry, in order for the authorities to know the approximate number of fishermen and to develop measures for conserving marine resources.
The authorities update the fishing limits every year to regulate your catch. You are permitted to keep fish only when the fish is within the regulation. For example, you can keep up to 5 flukes a day only when they are bigger than 18 inches and only when they are caught between May 17 and September 21 in accordance with 2015 fishing limits. On the other hand, there isn’t such a regulatory mechanism for marine fishing in the Sanin Region. You can fish almost anywhere without a permit. You can take as many fish as you want, even if the fish are still babies.
How to conserve marine resources is worth discussing, of course, but it is not the biggest reason why I believe a fishing permit system should be introduced in Japan. Unlike New York City, there are many small fishing villages at the shore of the Shimane Peninsula. Those villages became hugely depopulated and I heard that their incomes became meager due to many reasons. The proceeds from the permit system should be used to support those villages.
I do not think that we, amateur anglers, always get along with local professional fishermen. Personally I feel I owe them a lot. If they were gone and the villages were abandoned, we would lose many beautiful fishing spots, too. Professional fishermen don’t need us, but we need them. I believe a fishing permit system could help to create a bigger and more organic fishing community that allows the professionals and the amateurs to coexist more meaningfully. Even fish might want to join it because they would be freed from the fear of overfishing. What do you think?

Feb 23, 2016

(No. 137) No Fish at a Few Spots along Sakai-suido (境水道沿いの数カ所にて釣果なし)

Sakai-suido is the waterway that connects Lake Nakaumi and Miho Bay. According to pieces of information that a local tackle shop posted on its website, nice Japanese sea bass started to be caught along the waterway. I arrived at Ui Harbor about 4 p.m. and started fishing at this convenient wharf, which is located on the north side of the waterway, but soon I moved to under Sakai-suido Bridge. There was one bait fisherman under the bridge. He fished for the Japanese whiting but he said he didn’t catch a lot. A short while later, I went to Moriyama Quay and stayed there very briefly. Lastly I came back to under Sakai-suido Bridge. Unlike Ui Harbor and Moriyama Quay, the current was especially strong there and I thought it could bring about a greater chance to catch big Japanese sea bass. I cast lures including 12-inch pink Slug-Go, which was becoming one of my favorites. I kept casting until sunset, but unfortunately no fish hit my lures.

Feb 21, 2016

(No. 136) No Fish at Senjojiki in Mitsu and at Sanami Harbor (御津の千畳敷と佐波港にて釣果なし)

I couldn’t go fishing for more than a week. I had been swamped with my translation jobs since my last post. In addition, my MacBook Air, on which my work is completely dependent, suddenly became unreliable. First I thought the battery got too old, but even with a brand-new battery it didn’t work well. Only after a few useless days passed could I find the culprit: the worn-out power adapter. So I felt it was very refreshing to see the beautiful sea over Mitsu Harbor this afternoon. Mitsu is not very far from my home, but I didn’t remember if I had ever been to the place, which lies to the east of Kataku.
(一週間以上、釣りに行くことが出来ませんでした。最後にブログを書いてから、翻訳と通訳の仕事に追われていたのです。その上、私の仕事の全てが依存しているMacBook Airが、突然、当てにならなくなりました。私は最初、バッテリーが劣化したのだろうと思ったのですが、バッテリーを替えてもしっかり動きません。古くなった電源アダプターが真犯人であることに気づいたのは、数日を無駄に費やしてからのことでした。そのため今日の午後、御津港の向こうに美しい海を見た時の気分は、とても爽快でした。御津は私の家からそれほど遠いわけではありません。しかし、片句の東にあるこの場所に、私は以前来たことがあるのかどうか、思い出すことができません。)
I drove along the shoreline. The spot called Senjojiki looked good although nobody was fishing there. I walked down to the spot and cast my 12-inch pink Slug-Go, my secret weapon for the coming season. It moved like a Japanese “diving pencil” as I had expected. Then I drove to Sanami Harbor. There were a few fishermen when I arrived at the spot about two hours before sunset. They were probably trying to catch spear squids or darkbanded rockfish. I was not sure, because I started fishing at the opposite side without talking to them. They soon left the spot, and I was left alone. I thought I should have talked to them first.

Feb 12, 2016

(No. 135) No Fish at Takobana and at Ikesu in Etomo (多古鼻と恵曇の生須にて釣果なし)

I completed the first stage of my current work at noon. I was so wired that I needed a break. I felt as if Takobana, the northernmost tip of the Shimane Peninsula, were calling me. It was the first time that I had fished there. First, I tried to get to the tip of Takashima, a gigantic rock sticking out to the sea. According to the “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook,” Takashima is very productive, but the writer of the useful guidebook says he cannot recommend it to those who are afraid of heights.
Well, I didn’t think I was acrophobia, but I had to turn back halfway. This spot was more than a roller coaster. I felt it was almost a matter of life or death. Instead, I safely walked down to the rocky beach on the west of the root of Takashima. The beach could have been a nice spot to catch Japanese sea bass if the sea had been rougher, but today it was unnaturally calm and the temperature was unseasonably high. I gave up Takobana and drove to Ikesu in Etomo. The weather was so fine that I thought I would take gorgeous pictures in any case, but it got dark and gusty when I arrived at Ikesu. The sea was choppier than at Takobana. I felt I might catch Japanese sea bass, but nothing happened.

Feb 9, 2016

(No. 134) Ready to Launch Secret Weapon (秘密兵器、発射準備完了)

Photo taken at Lake Shinji by Bernice Dempsey

There are some differences in surf lure fishing between the Sanin Region of Japan, where I live now, and the Northeastern United States, where I used to live. The most obvious difference may lie in the way fishermen use a topwater plug. In Japan, many fishermen use a so-called “diving pencil” to catch fish such as amberjacks. They jerk the lure to let it dive into the water with bubbles and dart briefly under the surface, but I didn’t see any American fishermen use a topwater plug intentionally with this method at the shore of the Northeast.
On the other hand, I didn’t see any Japanese surf fishermen use a pencil popper the way American counterparts do. As I mentioned in my older post, American fishermen erect a rod almost vertically and hold it at far above the reel seat while pinching the line with thumb and forefinger. Then, they shake the rod tip vigorously like a whip. The lure keeps swinging from side to side on the surface to make a noisy splash. I suppose the U.S. method is more suitable for slower fish such as striped bass or Japanese sea bass, while the Japanese method is more suitable for catching faster fish such as amberjacks (Actually there are few amberjacks in inshore waters of the Northeast).
Some Japanese fishermen kindly recommended me to use a diving pencil to catch coveted yellowtail amberjacks. One of them even gave me some diving pencils that he personally made, but unfortunately I cannot use Japanese lures because of the ridiculous restriction I had imposed on myself. However, after on-site observation of the Japanese method, recently I came up with an idea. May Slug-Go move like a diving pencil to some degree? 20 years ago you could find this original plastic stickbait at any tackle shop in Japan, but now they seem to completely disappear. I rigged them at a break from my work. Mine are the biggest Slug-Go, 12 inch (30.5 cm) long. So big that I cannot help smiling.
(誰もが憧れるヒラマサを釣るにはダイビング・ペンシルを使ったらいいよと、これまでに数人の日本の釣り人が親切にも勧めてくれました。中には、自分で作ったものをいくつか贈呈してくれた人もいます。しかし残念ながら、私は日本のルアーを使うことができません。自分で自分に課してしまった馬鹿馬鹿しい制約があるからです。ところが最近、釣り場で日本の釣り方を観察していて、思いついたアイデアがあるのです。スラッゴーなら、ある程度まで、ダイビング・ペンシルのように動くのではなかろうか? この元祖プラスチック製スティックベイトは、20年前なら、日本のどこの釣具屋でも置いていたと思います。しかし今は、どうも完全に姿を消してしまったようです。仕事をひと休みして、私はスラッゴーに針を付けてみました。私が持っているのは一番大きなサイズのスラッゴーで、長さは12インチ(30.5センチ)もあります。大き過ぎて、笑いが止まりません。)