About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Nov 30, 2015

(No. 107) No Fish at Aika and Koura Areas (秋鹿地区と古浦地区にて釣果なし)

Without knowing where I would like to go, I headed for Izumi City after 11 a.m. It had been reported that nice Japanese sea bass were being caught at Lake Nakaumi, but today I was in the mood for fishing at the sea, not at a brackish lake such as Lake Nakaumi or Lake Shinji. Before entering into Izumi City, I turned to the right in Aika area impulsively and headed for the north. Almost accidentally I arrived at Old Ashio Harbor.
I had never fished at or around this harbor, but I found some nice big rocks to the west of it. I did the run-and-gun style fishing for one hour. I walked along the rocky shore and kept changing fishing spots, making only several casts at each spot. My target was Japanese sea bass, but there seemed no fish around. Then, I drove to Koura Public Beach. I kept casting my lures from the rocky area next to the forlorn sandy beach until sunset. The sea was moderately rough. It should have vitalized bass, but they did not attack my lures.

Nov 22, 2015

(No. 106) No Fish around Ohtoko-bana (大床鼻の周辺にて釣果なし)

I arrived at Ohtoko-bana only slightly later than yesterday, but the spot was already full house. As far as I can remember, there were 3 lure fishermen and 4 bait fishermen. I prefer fishing at an empty spot even if less productive. The waves were too high to go to Kobanare, the spot that lies to the east of Ohtoko-bana. So I fished at a no-name spot to the east of Kobanare for about 3 hours. 
Sometimes birds hovered over the sea, although a bit too far. Unlike yesterday, the sea looked promising, but, as far as I can remember, there was no substantial catch for anybody. I left all of the fishermen behind before 10 a.m. On my way back to the parking space, I saw a local farmer who was working in the field. “How hard you work!” I said. He replied, “Didn’t you catch any fish?” “Unfortunately no, but thank you for letting us fish here,” I said with a smile.

Nov 21, 2015

(No. 105) No Fish at Ohtoko-bana in Miho (美保の大床鼻にて釣果なし)

Today I was the second fisherman to arrive at Ohtoko-bana in Izumi City. Even before daybreak there was already one bait fisherman around the western tip of the large spot. He was doing makie a.k.a. komase, a fishing style in which a fisherman uses a special ladle and scatters small bait to attract target fish. Sufficiently away from him, I started fishing. A short while later, one lure fisherman and a few bait fishermen came to the spot.
There was no bite for most of us. So I chatted with the first bait fisherman, who told me that his target was red sea breams. Around 9 a.m. he caught a Japanese sea bass. I had noticed the swell got stronger and the surface got choppier, the fact of which probably activated fish. Actually I was about to quit when he caught the fish, but it made me change my mind and keep casting my lures until 9:30 a.m. Unfortunately, nothing happened to me.

Nov 15, 2015

(No. 104) No Fish at Owashi-hama in Owashi Harbor (大芦港の大芦浜にて釣果なし)

I had to act as a chauffeur for my father this afternoon. I drove him to a party held in Owashi area, which lies to the west of Kaka area. I have never fished in Owashi before. After I left my father, I went to Oogu-no-hato, one of breakwaters in Owashi Harbor. I saw a few bait fishermen at the tip of it. Then I went to Niregi-no-hato, another breakwater in the harbor. There is a sign hanging on the wall of the breakwater, which says this breakwater is off limits, but several bait fishermen were standing on it.
I fished at Owashi-hama, the sandy beach between the two breakwaters. I had only one hour and a half before picking up my father again. So I couldn’t do fishing seriously, but I refreshed myself. The shallow water reminded me of the beaches in New York City, such as Brighton or Rockaway Beaches. If I have to make a choice, I prefer fishing in the shallows with the sandy bottom to deep-water fishing. Next time I will stay a bit longer.

Nov 10, 2015

(No. 103) No Fish at Ohashi River (大橋川にて釣果なし)

I was fishing along the Ohashi River this evening. Running from east to west through the middle of Matsue City, the river connects Lake Nakaumi with Lake Shinji. After spending hot summer days in Lake Shinji, Japanese sea bass go back to the Sea of Japan through the Ohashi River and Lake Nakaumi. At this time of the year, the fish are still hanging out in the river. I started fishing by Shinjiko Ohashi Bridge, the most westerly bridge over the river, and walked eastward as I cast my lures and took pictures. Passing by Matsue Ohashi Bridge, the oldest and arguably the most beautiful one over the river, I arrived at Matsue Shin Ohashi Bridge, under which I picked up the litter the last time. According to my fishing theory, “Those who pick up the litter will be rewarded,” I was supposed to catch nice fish under the bridge, but I remembered it was already 3 days ago. The term of reward must have expired.

Nov 7, 2015

(No. 102) Picking Up Litter under Matsue Shin Ohashi Bridge (松江新大橋の下にてゴミ拾い)

There is a small port by Matsue Shin Ohashi Bridge under the northern bank of the Ohashi River. The port acts as an easy access to the water. That’s why you might have seen some fishermen around the port when you walked on the bridge at night. Early this morning I went to the spot for the first time. As soon as I made the first cast, I found a lot of water weeds were floating on the surface of the water. The lure picked up a bunch of weeds without fail. Some fish soon started splashing around on the surface, and a small flock of seagulls hovering on it.
Probably the fish were Japanese sea bass preying on halfbeaks or some baitfish, but I had to quit fishing due to the annoying weed problem. Instead, I started picking up the litter around the port. A few packages of metal vibration plugs. A long white fishing line tangled up in the weed. The line might have been accidentally recovered from the river with the weed by another fisherman after the original owner of it had to break and leave it in the water unavoidably. Still, I feel you should take it and dispose of it appropriately instead of leaving it at your feet when you catch broken line with your lure, except when you cannot recognize it in the dark.

Nov 5, 2015

(No. 101) No Fish at Kobanare next to Ohtoko-bana (大床鼻の隣の小ばなれにて釣果なし)

Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year. That was the rule I imposed on myself a year ago. After writing the previous post, I gave brief consideration to it and decided to keep using only American lures until most of the lures I have now are lost in the sea. I don’t have any Japanese lures now, but I have plenty of American ones. They are more than enough, and I don’t like to own too many stuff. With this decision, I went to Kobanare yesterday and today, a spot that lies to the east of Ohtoko-bana in Izumo City. The water was super calm on both days. I saw more bait fishermen at Ohtoko-bana yesterday, but today most of several fishermen there used lures. I saw one of the guys catch something with a lure, but that’s all. Although I stayed at Kobanare from before 7 a.m. to almost noon today, I caught none. When I took a break, I tied my waterproof camera to the line and took some underwater pictures.

Nov 3, 2015

(No. 100) So, How Many Fish did I Catch in the Past Year? (それで私はこの1年、どれだけの魚を釣ったのか?)

Before writing this 100th post, I checked my diary to find that I came home in Matsue exactly one year ago. Since my homecoming I have used only American lures. So, how many fish did I actually catch in the past year? I retrospectively looked over the titles of my posts and calculated my catches. Here are the glorious stats.
(第100回となるこの投稿を書く前に、日記を確認したところ、私はちょうど一年前、松江の実家に帰ってきたのでした。帰郷以来ずっと、私はアメリカのルアーだけを使ってきました。では私はこの1年、実際のところ、どれだけの魚を釣ってきたのでしょうか? 過去の投稿のタイトルに目を通し、釣果を計算してみました。その栄えある統計結果を、ここに発表します。)
  • 3 Japanese sea bass with Super Strike Little Neck Swimmer and Northbar Flying Squid
  • 2 Japanese Spanish mackerels with Deadly Dick and Crippled Herring
  • 2 Needlefish with Hopkins No=Eql and Super Strike Super “N” Fish
  • 1 Japanese amberjack with Super Strike Zig Zag
  • 1 Fluke with Crippled Herring
  • 1 Scorpion fish with Tsunami Ball Jig
  • 1 Striped bonito with Hopkins No=Eql
  • 1 Longtooth grouper with Northbar Bottledarter
  • スズキ3匹をスーパーストライク・リトルネックスイマーとノースバー・フライング・スクイッドにて
  • サゴシ(若いサワラ)2匹をデッドリー・ディックとクリップルド・ヘリングにて
  • ダツ2匹をホプキンス No=Eqlとスーパーストライク・スーパー“N”フィッシュにて
  • ワカナ(若いブリ)1匹をスーパーストライク・ジグザグにて
  • ヒラメ1匹をクリップルド・ヘリングにて
  • カサゴ1匹をツナミ・ボールジグにて
  • ハガツオ1匹をホプキンス No=Eqlにて
  • クエ1匹をノースバー・ボトルダーターにて

I caught a total of 12 fish in the past year. What do you think? Do you think the number is too small? You may think I have been disappointed all along. Well, to be honest, I have not. When I was in the U.S., my favourite paper was The New York Times. In 2006 I read an article about avid fishermen who tried to catch big muskies. The article was concluded with a statement made by one of the fishermen. I totally agreed to it and still believe no word can describe the beauty of fishing better than this. "The catches are so few and far between, every interaction you have with the fish is special.” 
(この1年で私は、12匹の魚を釣っていたのでした。皆さんは、どう思われますか? 釣れた魚の数が少なすぎると思われるでしょうか? もしかすると、私はずっと失望の連続だったんじゃないか、とお思いかもしれません。でも、正直に言うと、そんなことはないのです。私がアメリカに住んでいた時、いちばんお気に入りの新聞はニューヨーク・タイムズでした。2006年に私は、大きなマスキーを釣ろうと頑張っている熱心な釣り人の記事を読みました。その記事は、そうした釣り人の一人が語った言葉で、締めくくられていました。私はその言葉に全く同感でした。そして今でもまだ、この言葉以上に、釣りというものの美しさを見事に表す言葉はないと思っています。「魚が釣れることなんて、とても稀なんだよ。だからこそ、魚と釣り人との触れ合いの一つ一つが、特別なものとなるんだ」)

Nov 2, 2015

(No. 99) No Fish at Nanbo and Nakabo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の南防と中防にて釣果なし)

Today I started fishing at Nanbo, a breakwater in Etomo Harbor, about 4 p.m. but suddenly the crosswind got so strong that I had to change the spot after making only several casts. When I headed toward the rocky area next to Koura Public Beach with a hope that the wind might be less powerful over there, I found some seagulls were making noises on the surface of one part of Etomo Harbor. There might be fish below them. Instead of Koura Public Beach, I drove to Nakabo, another breakwater close to the mouth of Sada River. From Nakabo the birds were narrowly within my reach. Although I made several casts toward the birds, I got no reaction from the water below. The excitement of the birds might not have been related to any fish. The wind soon became too severe to keep fishing.