About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Apr 30, 2018

(No. 358) No Fish at Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻にて釣果なし)

Since I witnessed the huge boil three days ago I have been to Susumi-hana in Owashi every morning. I want to experience it again, but unfortunately the great natural phenomenon has not repeated itself again. I just saw an apparently much smaller boil in the far distance. This morning I wondered if the huge school of fish might be actually around but below the surface, and therefore there was no boil and the sea looked calm. So I kept retrieving shiny metal lures such as a Deadly Dick as fast as possible. Unfortunately nothing have been caught, but the situation and the method happily reminded me of how my fishing buddy and I had caught the false albacore in New York (How are you, Val?) .

Apr 27, 2018

(No. 357) Young Japanese Amberjack at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にてワカナ)

I started fishing at Maruiwa in Owashi about 6:45 a.m. The sea was as calm as it had been last time. I did not see any baitfish along the shore, too. After trying all of my favorite lures in vain, I started eating a rice ball for breakfast. I was standing with my back to the very calm sea. It is not recommended for safety reasons. You should always face the sea in order to detect any danger as soon as possible, but today the sea was so calm that I was unconcerned. When I finished my first rice ball, I felt a faint touch of something happening behind.
So I turned around. A huge boil was just in front of me! I got stunned. I had never seen such a huge boil so close to me. A lot of fish went on the rampage on the water. In a hurry I cast a lure toward the boil, but I could not retrieve it normally. The fish were so dense that, as soon as I jerked my rod, I hooked one of them. As I supposed, the hook was not set on the fish’s mouth but on the belly. It was young Japanese amberjack called Wakana in Japanese. The huge school was moving toward the east. When I remembered I wanted to take pictures of it, it was already very far. You can see the darker area on the water in the red circle of the second photo above. That was the huge boil.
(振り向いてみると、目の前に巨大なナブラが立っています! 私は唖然としました。こんなに大きなナブラが、こんなに近くで立っているのを見たことはありません。たくさんの魚が水面を暴れ回っています。私はあわててナブラに向けてルアーを投げましたが、まともに引くことはできませんでした。魚があまりにも密集しているので、ロッドをあおるやいなや、一匹かかってしまったのです。思った通り、針は魚の口ではなく、腹にかかっていました。ワカナと呼ばれる若いブリでした。その巨大な魚群は、東に移動していきました。「そうだ写真を撮らねば」と気づいた時には、もうずいぶん遠くに行っていました。上の2つ目の写真の、赤丸で囲んであるところに、他より水面が黒くなっている部分が見えると思います。それが巨大なナブラです。)

Apr 21, 2018

(No. 356) No Fish at Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻にて釣果なし)

The sea was very calm, and the temperature already started rising when I arrived at Susumi Bay in Owashi about 6:30 a.m. All of famous fishing spots along the shore of Owashi seemed occupied by avid fishermen, but I found an opening in the parking space overlooking Susumi Bay. On my way to Susumi-hana, the eastern tip of the bay, I found a lot of reddish pink particles floating on the surfaces of some areas along the shore. Were they the coral’s eggs? Or red tide? The view somehow made me feel the warm fishing season had come at last, but the fish were not very active in general. I talked to a bait fisherman at Susumi-hana, and he told me he had caught only one squid. I kept casting some of my favorite pugs for one hour and a half. Unfortunately nothing happened, but I realized again how refreshing and exciting casting lures toward the vast ocean was!
(海は非常に穏やかであり、私が大芦の須々海湾に到着した午前6時30分にはもう、気温が上がり始めていました。大芦の海岸沿いにある有名な釣り場にはすべて、熱心な釣り人が既に入ってしまっているようでしたが、私は、須々海湾を見下ろす駐車スペースに空きがあるのを発見しました。湾の東端である須々海鼻へ向かう途中、赤みがかったピンクの粒が、岸沿いのいくつかの場所で、大量に水面に浮かんでいることに気づきました。サンゴの卵でしょうか? それとも赤潮? その風景を見て私は、暖かい釣りのシーズンがついに到来したのだとなぜだか感じましたが、魚の活性は総じて、それほど高くありませんでした。須々海鼻にいらした一人のエサ釣り師に話しかけると、その男性は、イカを一匹釣られたとのことでした。私は1時間30分ほど、お気に入りのプラグを投げ続けました。あいにく何も起きませんでしたが、広大な海に向かってルアーを投げるのは、なんと爽快で、そして刺激的なのだろうと改めて思いました。)

Apr 13, 2018

(No. 355) No Fish at Lake Shinji and Ohashi River (宍道湖と大橋川にて釣果なし)

Since my last post I have been to Lake Shinji and the Ohashi River several times. My work schedule has been relatively tight, and that’s why I could not find enough time to go to any serious fishing spot on the rocky shore facing the Sea of Japan. All that I could do was to find a sporadic opening in my schedule and sneak out to the lake or river on foot or by bike. Both the lake and river are within several minutes distance from my place. On the shore of the lake I saw a few bait fishermen, and along the river I saw some serious lure fishermen. All of them chased the Japanese sea bass. I often took out a few of my biggest lures, such as the Jointed Pikie Plug by Eurojet Custom Lures. I knew it was too early for these big plugs to be effective, but I almost always want to take a chance on them.

Apr 7, 2018

(No. 354) No Fish at Ohashi River (大橋川にて釣果なし)

I went to one of major fishing spots along the Ohashi River this late afternoon. I was with three of my favorite plugs. I had heard that the Japanese sea bass had already come back to the river. As you may know, the migratory fish changes its whereabouts seasonally. The river was a bit choppy and nicely muddy, but, oh boy, how cold it was! It was unseasonably cold today, so that the rain turned to sleet momentarily in the morning. The wind felt as if it were a sharp knife while I was casting my plugs, and no fish attacked them.
(今日は午後遅く、大橋川沿いの有名な釣り場の一つに出かけました。お気に入りのプラグを3つ持っていきました。私は、大橋川に既にスズキが入っていると聞いていたのです。恐らくご存知だと思いますが、移動性のこの魚は、季節に応じて居場所を変えます。川は少々波立っていて、良い感じに濁っていましたが、なんという寒さだったでしょう! 今日の寒さは季節外れで、午前には、一時的に、雨がみぞれに変わってしまうほどでした。プラグを投げてはみたものの、風はまるで鋭いナイフのように感じられ、私のルアーを襲う魚はいませんでした。)